50lbs by age 50!

squeepig Posts: 89 Member
Well, it's now or never. Two weeks ago, I started my plan to lose 50 lbs by the time I'm 50, which is July 14th. Is this a realistic goal? I hope so. I'm super motivated and only slipped up today after having a really bad experience this morning and stress ate the rest of the day.

I'm currently 215lbs and have lost 4 in the past 2 weeks.


  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    It is 22 weeks until your birthday so, I would say it would be on the outside but you should be able to safely do so IF, IF, IF, you are not particularly short. If losing 2 lbs per week would require you to have a deficit less than 1200 calories, I would recommend just getting as close as you can.. Perhaps 35-40 lb loss... that being said, you are on your way. initial weight loss tends to move faster than later weight loss. Keep at it and be aggressive but stay safe. Fast weight loss usually results in a quick weight gain once the weight loss is over. Long term progress is more important than temporary losses that are really quick.
  • squeepig
    squeepig Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for the quick response! :)

    I'm 5'7", to answer your question about my height.

    Yeah, I'm not going to be too broken up if I don't hit my goal completely, but it gives me a mantra to use when I see food. 50x50, haha. I've ordered a recumbent bike, which should be here next week, so that'll help immensely and allow me to keep my calorie count above 1200. I put my goal between 1200-1500 calories initially, as I was eating about 2300/day. Yeah, eek.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    It sounds like that little switch in your head has flicked over like it did for me!! You should be able to to get close if you keep on target. However, you say that you comfort eat - somehow you need to understand this and find another way of dealing with the stress. If anything will be your downfall, I would suggest that this could be the biggest and it is not easy to deal with. Distraction techniques often work well, but it needs to be sustainable. Enjoy the ride!!!
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    Turning 50 was my motivation to lose weight too but I had 18 months to go. My start weight (in Jan 2013) was 182.5lb and I wanted to lose 37.5lb. I surprised myself and lost 37.5lb in 5 months. I kept to between 1200 - 1400 cals per day and took up running, 3 x per week. I did go on to lose more weight but it took me 8 months to lose 50lb. I've been maintaining since August last year and I currently weigh 132lb.

    I'd suggest it's a big ask on your body to lose 50lb in 5 months. My advice would be to eat healthily, exercise regular and just see where you're at in July. You've already lost 4lb so you're off to a good start.

    Your the same height as me too.

    p.s. add me as a friend if you want support.
  • squeepig
    squeepig Posts: 89 Member
    It sounds like that little switch in your head has flicked over like it did for me!! You should be able to to get close if you keep on target. However, you say that you comfort eat - somehow you need to understand this and find another way of dealing with the stress. If anything will be your downfall, I would suggest that this could be the biggest and it is not easy to deal with. Distraction techniques often work well, but it needs to be sustainable. Enjoy the ride!!!

    Yeah, it's going to be hard when times get stressful, but with the food tracker here, I'm much more aware of what I'm eating and it's really helping!
    I'd suggest it's a big ask on your body to lose 50lb in 5 months. My advice would be to eat healthily, exercise regular and just see where you're at in July. You've already lost 4lb so you're off to a good start.

    If I don't make my goal, I'm not going to get too upset, since the biggest part of this is me learning to eat healthier. I'm choosing veggies over meat now, which would have been unheard of months ago. Congrats on your own weight loss!! That's wonderful. :)
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Possible, for sure. But 35 lbs would probably be a more attainable goal.
    For me, losing is harder being age 55, but I AM, slowly.
    And that's the best way, if ya ask me.
    Don't want you to get frustrated and give up if you aren't losing 2 lbs a week...that's pretty tough to do.
    This is all about a lifestyle change, not a speed diet.
    There will be lots of good days and a handful of bad ones along the way.
    Just my thoughts. Good luck !
  • squeepig
    squeepig Posts: 89 Member
    Don't want you to get frustrated and give up if you aren't losing 2 lbs a week...that's pretty tough to do. Good luck !

    Thanks! :) I'm the kind of person who will be happy with any amount of weight lost. Congrats to you! You're almost at your goal!
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Thanks. Taken a long time.
    Can't wait to reach my current goal but might change it to 5 lbs less.
    We will see.
  • squeepig
    squeepig Posts: 89 Member
    Well, age 50 has come and gone and I've lost 28 pounds. I kind of got sidelined when my husband had open heart surgery, and I do get into that crunchy/salty mood more often than I should, so I'm proud of myself for not saying screw it and going backwards. :) Unfortunately, he's back to his old routine of stress and McDonalds for breakfast on his way to work, but nagging does nothing but stress him further, so I'm hoping that when I lose the rest of my goal (is it really only 22 to go?!!?!?) he'll get back to trying to be healthy. I am cooking almost every night, so at least I can portion control him that way, haha.