falling short on vitamins and things

I'm finding that despite what I thought was beginning to be a good varied diet, I am no where near the daily vitamin mineral doses. I could just take a tablet, but have read that a good diet should be enough. I'm including colourful veg, a spoonful of mixed seeds every day. What do you do? I don't eat much processed food, so don't get them from fortified margarine/cereal etc. ???


  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    I don't know how many calories you are eating, but it's really hard to get all your nutrients on 1200 a day.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Not all vitamins and minerals are required on labels. So you may be getting more than you think.
    I'd suggest checking your logs for a week or so and see where you are missing out and adjust
    accordingly. I personally saw that I was missing A and D, so more carrots, and a D supplement
    is how I adjusted.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    most food entries on MFP don't have the vitamin content listed, so if you're tracking vitamins on here then you're probably getting way more than you think.

    Eating several servings of fresh fruit or veg each day, plus foods high in omega3s and fat soluble vitamins, and eating a varied diet, e.g. varying the fruit and vegetables you eat rather than eating the same ones over and over, should be enough to ensure you get all the vitamins and minerals you need.

    Also, if you're concerned you can get a test from the doctor which measures your levels of different vitamins and minerals and that will let you know if you're not getting enough of anything.