NES - feeling out of control

Hey everyone,

I feel bad saying this but I went from binge eating to developing Nighttime eating syndrome. I am sure I developed this out of stress from life/work but its annoying and holding me back from losing the last 20 pounds...

I wake up usually everynight around 2am and just feel the need to eat. I end up eating anywhere between 1k to 2k calories.

Its all fruit, protein, and nuts but still. Its making me tired in the morning and I feel guilty. I don't feel extremely hungry when I wake up around 2 am but I have this uncontrollable urge to eat. Honestly, I want to get over this so bad...I just don't know how anymore.

I am 5ft 2. I try to eat around 1.2k to 1.5k a day and I rarely work out. I am sedentary because of my job. I am trying to lose some more weight. I eat a lot of whole foods and lean meats.


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Random question, are you taking any sleep aids such as Ambien?
  • craigheon
    craigheon Posts: 167 Member
    Could you try replacing your late night food binges with water?
  • I struggle on and off with BED, which turned into night eating syndrome (aka, just pretty much BED at night if you want to simplify things), so I can relate so much to this post!

    Have you seen a therapist yet? Also, do you know the difference between over-eating and binge eating? (I just want to clarify that we're on the same page, before I say more).
  • dolthack
    dolthack Posts: 16 Member
    Try drinking a casein protein drink right before bed, the slow digesting proteins should keep you satiated through the night and if you get a sugar free version you're looking at only 1g sugar, but 24g protein and only 120 calories. What is it that wakes you? Do you have to get up to go pee, and then decide to binge on 2,000 calories? "It's all fruit, nuts and protein" - So what's your point? It's still 2,000 calories in the middle of the night and then you go back to sleep and let your body happily convert it all to fat because you don't exercise. What do you do for a living that you can't squeeze in a 30-minute exercise session at least three times per week? I once worked 70 hours a week and I still made time to exercise.

    I'm sorry if I sound harsh - because I AM! You need to take control! You don't give us nearly enough information to even offer the slimmest of valuable advice. What time do you wake up for work? What time do you go to bed? "I eat a lot of whole foods and lean meats" What does that mean? A LOT of anything sounds bad from the start, but what do you define as "whole foods"?

    If you haven't googled NES solutions yet, try this link: