Warm Up, Stretch, Workout Session - Insanity Style...

So I finished Insanity a couple of weeks ago and completed 4 sessions last week and 2 this (Month 2). Halfway through month 2 I noticed my hams and glutes were getting tighter and stretching was becoming more difficult - never mind feeling sore at my other main activity which is golf (right ham/glute especially). I kept pushing hard and also felt I should get those stretches going - probably sometimes too much and stretched until it hurt - or coming out of the stretch hurt.

I have a sports massage booked tomorrow as my right ham/glute (can't decide which...or both) is sore most of the time and haven't tried an Insanity session since Wednesday as just couldn't risk it.

So I've been reading some stuff on the net which states static stretching BEFORE a workout is not beneficial as the muscle is weakened for about an hour afterwards. Got me to wondering if I've been hindering my recovery by trying to stretch the sore muscles, especially in the more intensive stretch during Insanity which is after the 10 minute warm-up. I've also tried to stretch before and after cycling/golf etc since they've been sore but don't seem to make any improvement. Also been icing and taking ibuprofen.

Any thoughts/experience? I'm wondering if when I recover I just fast forward through the first stretches in the DVD and overall just stretch after any session?



  • amandarunning
    amandarunning Posts: 306 Member
    Quick bump in case anyone in a different time zone has useful information :-)