Time, and workouts?

I was wondering, does the time of day I workout effect my body differently, for example

If I worked out during the early morning, would I be burning calories and burning more fat that if I did it later in the day when i've had alot of my food already, seeing in the morning im less filled up with food?


Does anyone have some additional workouts that are at a decent level, which they can share (preferably some with calorie burning information)

I'm currently (to lose weight and build muscle) doing

Knee Push-Ups ~ 5 sets, 10 reps

Sit-Ups ~ 5 sets, 20 reps

Walking ~ Usually around an hour daily

Jogging in place ~ Usually I do intervals of 1 minutes (When it comes to cardio I don't have alot of stamina/can't do it too long without burning out) then 1 minute breaks

Are there any foods that will help me build up proteins and other key values for building muscle, but very low in calories, and other unhealthy values
