Please help with my workout, I am clueless

Hi all,

A little BG: I am a female, 5'5', 140 lbs, 38 Yrs old. I am down 25 lbs and beginning to realize that while the number on the scale is a good way to measure progress, it is not indicative of healthy and strong; I need to build some muscle and tone my very, very, wiggly bottom half.
I have very little stamina and hardly any strength, I google workouts on youtube and I am becoming overwhelmed.
What do you recommend for a beginner? How can I improve my stamina and strength? I am not able to go to the gym so I am exercising at home, for about 20-45 minutes 4-5x per week. Am I not doing enough?

To sum up, I really need help with what type of exercises/routine I should do to tone-up, and how often?
Thanks in advance,


  • rystraum
    rystraum Posts: 10 Member
    I've been doing Stronglifts 5x5 for 4 months now and started teaching it to my girlfriend. It's really easy, with really simple rules to follow. It starts off easy enough, and because you're lifting really light weights, you get to focus on form. The weight would come later on and by then, you would have had proper form to be able to lift heavy.

    We go to a gym but if you want to do it at home, you have to spend upfront on a bench, barbell and some weights.
    Investing in a home gym is worth it though as these practically last you a lifetime.

    Here are good resources right here on MFP:

    Good luck!
  • Yilsip
    Yilsip Posts: 50
    Thanks so much, off to read :)
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you have access to a barbell, Stronglifts is a great program. If you don't have barbell access, get the book "You Are Your Own Gym," by Mark Lauren.
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    Can you let us know if you have any equipment at home, and if not, do you have a budget for some?
  • Yilsip
    Yilsip Posts: 50
    I only have two pathetic 5 lbs dumbbells. I live in an apartment and have a 3 and 5 year old, I am afraid of getting a barbell.

    I am so embarrassed I let myself go this badly, I lived with my brother who went from a 130 lbs high schooler getting picked on by all kids, to a pro bodybuilder after about 5 years of heavy lifting and eating clean. I also wanna kick myself in the *kitten* as I see that I cannot even complete a 15 min core training on exercise on demand channel without pausing, I have such poor strength.
    ANything I can buy without ENDANGERING my little girls, they are very spirited and love getting on my stepper and lifting my two dumbbells.
    I am looking forward to getting better.
  • shazbox1
    shazbox1 Posts: 175 Member
    A good place to start might be with the NerdFitness bodyweight workouts:*kitten*/

    They don't require a lot of space or equipment, so definitely nice for an apartment.

    EDIT: Plus you can always get your kids to participate too, make them sleep real good :p
  • timrpm
    timrpm Posts: 57 Member
    One idea I found helpful is while the 5 year old is at school, take the 3 year old for a run. You need a suitable jogging pushchair, I recommend the Babyjogger Summit X3. Use the "Couch to 5k" plan if you've never run before.

    The suggestions about dumbells are good, you don't need a barbell you can use your own body weight for strength exercises: push-ups, plank, sit ups, lunges, squats. Dumbells are good for back and arms and chest too.

    Take it steady at first, concentrate on good form and do 3 times a week. You'll find strength and cardio improve very quickly but don't try to do too much too quickly or you'll get injured. Cardio + Str + calorie controlled diet and the weight will fall off. More to the point, you'll *feel* much better about yourself with all the endorphins :)

    Best of luck!
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    love getting on my stepper

    What type of stepper do you have?
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    If you have no equipment and you're working out at home.Try this.

    Youtube these if you need explanations.

    Bodyweight Squats (when you get good at these do Goblet Squats)
    Push ups (Put your arms on a couch if you can't do them flat)
    Pull ups (negatives if you cant do regular ones)

    Door frame pull up bars are cheap, $20.

    Just go hard for 45 minutes. Complete each exercise almost to failure and move on to the next one. You'll get some muscle (while burning fat) in no time.
  • Yilsip
    Yilsip Posts: 50
    Thanks so much for your feedback guys, I appreciate it. I have a cheap stepper, not even sure if it's a stepper, it's called Sunny Health Twist Stepper, I don't feel the resistance much even though I've adjusted to the max, but I get a good sweat after 40 min of use.
    So far I go up the stairs at work, I'm in NYC in a pre-war building with super long stairs, I go up and down once for 15 flights. I am doing pilates and core training from the exercise on demand channel and think I am getting a bit stronger.

    I have a severe Vitamin D defficiency, taking meds, and I think that is the reason for my awful knee pain, I am afraid of injury as a few weeks ago I did some workout by this beautiful Woman named Pavla on youtube, it had squats, lunges, planking, things I have not done in years, so after the workout I was a bit sore but following day my knees were killing me.
    I definitely need to learn form, and how many sets to do so I do not overwhelm my joints.
    Off to youtube, thanks for the suggestions and links.

    I'm going to find a routine and take pics every 4 weeks to see how I am doing.
  • SugarLou57
    SugarLou57 Posts: 84 Member
    Try to find a copy of Hard Bodies Express Workout by Gladys Portugues on Amazon or Barnes & Noble used books. It's really great, easy to follow, good illustrations for home.