If you have abs "showing", PLEASE HELP me!!!

So I still have a lot of fat to lose (that I gained back + muscle), but once I get to a low enough body fat, will my abs still show if I'm eating whey with sucralose in it?

When I was at my goal weight, I was eating pretty low amounts of sodium, carbs were mainly oatmeal, veggies, fruits, and I ate within macros. I didn't drink soda/juice etc, sugar was mainly in the form of stevia or in the "lactose" in plain greek yogurt.

That time, my abs were barely visible. But I was eating vegan proteins on top of the eggwhites, chicken, turkey etc.

How do you guys maintain the abs besides lifting and cardio? And I also never ran (walked on super high incline for ~35 min everyday) especially when my legs were sore from leg days. Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you :)


  • iAmStarStuff27
    iAmStarStuff27 Posts: 109 Member
    BF%. Calorie deficit. A good core endurance set.


    5 rounds with 2 minutes' rest between rounds.:

    60 sec elbow plank or side plank

    30 sec + 30 sec anti-rotation hold with band or cable

    60 sec plank / pull combo, switching hands every 10 reps

    10 reps of knees-to-elbows

    BTW, you're totally smoking as-is.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Low body fat % and a good amount of ab hypertrophy, and not going too far when bulking.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    BF%. Calorie deficit. A good core endurance set.


    5 rounds with 2 minutes' rest between rounds.:

    60 sec elbow plank or side plank

    30 sec + 30 sec anti-rotation hold with band or cable

    60 sec plank / pull combo, switching hands every 10 reps

    10 reps of knees-to-elbows

    BTW, you're totally smoking as-is.


    Abs are just like every other muscle, you actually have to overload them.

    Hanging leg raises progressed on to good quality slow toes to bar eventually, with some isometric holds along the way, will hit he abs good.
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    Low body fat plus muscle mass = muscles showing.

    Not sure what to tell you, besides lose the body fat and train your core.
  • iAmStarStuff27
    iAmStarStuff27 Posts: 109 Member
    @Waldo - Planks...sure, for maintenance...I typically use hanging rock climbing holds w) leg raises (toes to bar style) and/or 90deg iso's (+ pull ups if I'm feeling up to it). Planks to finish.
  • Thanks so much guys! I will for sure try these out, because I know I'm not working them enough (slacker, I know). I just prefer working arms and legs more :(

    I do planks 2x a week (usually side and the nomal planks for 80sec x3) I also do the leg raises (floor and roman chair), scissor kicks, and a variation of the planks similar to donkey kicks on leg days).

    Along with cutting bf, I will give these a try and 3x week would be a good amount?
