Favorite Dance Game?

I used to play a lot of DDR when I was younger and someday I'd love to get my old Playstation stuff back to start playing again, it's been years. (I still have those badass inch foam mats, haha!) But for now I only have the 360 Kinect and I just recently bought Dance Central 3. It's pretty fun, better than I thought.

But are there any other good dance games that you would recommend? Preferably something with a setting where it tells the calories you (presumably) burned?

And finally, about how effective do you think these kinds of games are when it comes to trying to lose weight? Say, for someone that already has a regular 20-30 minute work out every day that just wants to skim some calories off the top with something fun at night? ;D


  • marieamethyst
    marieamethyst Posts: 869 Member
    I use DDR as one of my main forms of cardio... it's working for me, and I enjoy doing it. :)
  • SwampWitch666
    SwampWitch666 Posts: 110 Member
    Haha, heck yeah. That game rocked, I had it on the PS2 and pretty much every edition that came out for it. I remember friends teasing me for it back in school but I had a great butt so the joke's on them. *snaps fingers*
  • btm141
    I used to love DDR I miss it too :( Dance central looks good. I play a lot of Just Dance on the Wii I own number 1 and 4.

    Just dance 4 has workouts telling you how many calories you have burnt, But I just play random songs then log the minutes I do in on here under 'dancing, general'

    I also go on youtube and find Just dance or Dance central videos and copy the moves.

    Overall I think there fun but the songs and dances can get boring if you do them lots.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I always end up back at DDR. I still have my PS2 hooked up and all of the games, and use them a lot. If you're playing on heavy mode, the intensity is pretty high. I don't really trust the calorie counter in the game very much, but still play on workout mode since you can run through a bunch of songs in a row without the credits running every 5 songs.

    I recently got one of the Zumba games for fun, but the verdict isn't in yet :)
  • SwampWitch666
    SwampWitch666 Posts: 110 Member
    I also go on youtube and find Just dance or Dance central videos and copy the moves.

    ...that's clever as hell.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I just remembered, if you really want to play DDR again and no longer have a system, there are DDR versions for your computer. StepMania has just about every song and a cheap adapter will allow you to hook up your pad. If you don't have enough space on your computer, it may lag on you though.
  • SwampWitch666
    SwampWitch666 Posts: 110 Member
    Augh, I wish. That would be awesome, but I'm on the crappiest laptop ever. D':
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Dance Central 1,2,3; Dance Evolution, Just Dance. I like all of them.
    Calorie counts on these things are never accurate. If you want an accurate calorie count, I suggest your purchase and wear a heart rate monitor while playing. They're expensive (ish) but give you such a better insight into your calorie burns and exertion levels while doing any kind of cardiovascular activity. I use mine when doing DVD workouts or playing dance games :D
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I may be horrendously biased, but I highly recommend Michael Jackson: The Experience. It's so much fun though I've yet to play the Kinect version which is supposed to be a lot different from the PS3 and Wii version.

    I also recommend any of the Just Dance games though I find the song choices and choreography to be pretty hit and miss - though that's with all dance games. Even in the MJ game, there are songs I wished they included and a few they could have left out. I still love it though.

    I also second investing in a heart rate monitor. You totally can't trust those counters in the games, they could be telling you you're burning way less or way more than you really are.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I may be horrendously biased, but I highly recommend Michael Jackson: The Experience. It's so much fun though I've yet to play the Kinect version which is supposed to be a lot different from the PS3 and Wii version.

    I also recommend any of the Just Dance games though I find the song choices and choreography to be pretty hit and miss - though that's with all dance games. Even in the MJ game, there are songs I wished they included and a few they could have left out. I still love it though.

    I also recommend getting a heart rate monitor as has been said. You totally can't trust those counters in the games, they could be telling you you're burning way less or way more than you really are.

    You can play MJ: The Experience?! ARE YOU A WIZARD?
    I own it but I only managed to play for about 40 minutes because it's SO difficult. Very unforgiving in terms of scoring.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I may be horrendously biased, but I highly recommend Michael Jackson: The Experience. It's so much fun though I've yet to play the Kinect version which is supposed to be a lot different from the PS3 and Wii version.

    I also recommend any of the Just Dance games though I find the song choices and choreography to be pretty hit and miss - though that's with all dance games. Even in the MJ game, there are songs I wished they included and a few they could have left out. I still love it though.

    I also recommend getting a heart rate monitor as has been said. You totally can't trust those counters in the games, they could be telling you you're burning way less or way more than you really are.

    You can play MJ: The Experience?! ARE YOU A WIZARD?
    I own it but I only managed to play for about 40 minutes because it's SO difficult. Very unforgiving in terms of scoring.

    LOL, it just takes some practice is all! I know I sucked at first but it didn't take too terribly long before I started getting the hang of it. Some songs are still totally hard for me to score well on, too, but for me it's mostly the ones with excessive posing like "Blood on the Dance Floor." Some songs have one move that I can't get right while the rest is fine. Like in "Ghosts" when you have to put your arms out to the side in the very beginning of the song - I still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong there to save my damn life, it makes me so mad, lol

    You're right about the scoring system, it's like you have to be positioned exactly just so, where as I can tell the other Just Dance games are more forgiving. I also notice that some songs are harder/easier on the Wii and vice versa. Like, it used to be really hard for me to get 5 stars in Thriller on the PS3, but on the Wii it was a cinch. And then there's a couple songs that seemed harder to me on the Wii - strange, lol.

    I'm proud to have gotten the number 2 spot in the leaderboards in the PS3 version for a few songs before, though I've probably been knocked down by now. Some people get crazy scores and I get aggravated as hell trying to beat them because one tiny screw up of getting a "good" instead of a perfect and you've effed it up, lol. That's why it's hard for me to play "competitively" anymore because I get so frustrated.