Starting tomorrow, Need help !

So i had tried this a few months ago and successfully lost weight but then put it all back on and more !

Starting again tomorrow I am determined to do it properly this time but I need friends along the way!

I'm 5'2 and 154 pounds :( my goal is to be 126 !

I am also writing a blog if anyone is interested in following it !


  • CherylOMY
    CherylOMY Posts: 9 Member
    I'll be your weight loss buddy. I've been at this since 12/31 and lost 7 lbs so far. I'm 5'2", started at 158 and my goal is 128.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Be sure to figure out why your first plan did not work. Was it too restrictive? Did you give up too many foods you enjoy? Moderation is the only way to sustainability.
  • Summer2014itson
    Looking also for friends. Request me starting tomorrow. 200lb wanting to reach 130. All new me tomorrow. Hope to hear from you all.
  • raylynn23
    raylynn23 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am going to start taking this serious starting tomorrow. I would like a few friends along the way. I am 5'6", 168LBS, and need to get down to 135LBS. Had a car accident a few years ago and it has taken a while to modify and be able to work out. So, finally I am there. I am not doing any exercise program that is too crazy but, I do have an elliptical and a few workouts....if that matters.
  • Insomniak2
    I am here to help! Friend me or message me!
  • bridgetbrew
    Let's do this together! I'm 5'3" 158lb trying to get down to 123.
    I just started too!!
  • shannybn
    I just signed up to this so a total beginner, I could use some buddies too!! I'm 5'5" and hope to loose around 4 stone in total. Got a goal of a holiday in August so even half of that off by then would be great!

    I will look forward to your blogs, good luck :)
  • Blondie2838
    I'm new to MFP as well! I would be more that glad to help! We can all use a little motivation! I would like to loose 20+ lbs that I have let ease up on me over the course of last year. I would like to be back in shape and feel good in a bathing suit! I'm 5'7" and went from working out daily to not at all! I recently joined a gym but I am really struggling wanting to go! Even with the motivation of a workout buddy!
  • jerseygirl1606
    I'm starting today. I've already done well for breakfast and lunch, so just need to not blow it when I get home. Logging in the things I've eaten shows me how many calories are in my foods - they're healthy, but I was fooling myself thinking that extra handful of nuts wasn't pushing me over the edge. I've injured my hip/back and am doing physical therapy. Don't know if I'll find the exercises I do for that on the exercise list, though.
  • AreUjoking2
    Yay! I found a group of people that are in the same boat as me! I am new here, I am 5'3" and I started at 162.8, my goal is 130. Please feel free to send a friend request, and I will do my best to help support you as well.
  • RunnerGirlRDH2014
    Restarted MFP today as well! Feel free to add me! We're all in this together :)
  • Angylgrrl
    Angylgrrl Posts: 159 Member
    Hey there, all!

    I've been here for a loooooong time, tracking pretty much every day, but over the last 4 to 5 months, I've lost my edge. At my lowest weight, I had lost 65 lbs (!) and was 15 lbs away from my first major goal weight. Since then, I have put back on about 25 lbs because I had my wedding and then holidays and generally lost focus. BOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

    Point is, I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself because my smaller jeans are starting to feel tight, and I'm tired of being unhappy but not wanting to put the work in. I want to work hard and make myself healthy again. I was running before,and I stopped out of sheer laziness and craziness, so I'm getting back on the exercise train, and I'm eating REAL FOODS and I'm going to kick some butt. If you want to be friends, message me. I'm looking for people who log in daily and track no matter what, even if they have a bad food day (I have had TONS of them, as of late).

    You can do this! Stick with it, because it really does work. :wink:
  • poojie4
    poojie4 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'3, 145 currently and my goal is 125-130. I'm a busy college student (currently in my 2nd year of pharmacy school) trying to maintain studying, eating healthy, exercise, and somewhat of a social life! Add me :) xx