How to kick-start (restart) weight loss?

Hello everyone. So my weight loss was pretty steady until Monday (I started a month ago). On Monday, I became so dehydrated that my saliva ceased to be fluid and rather became very thick and mucous like, and my fingers started to have a moderate tingling sensation (felt like electricity running through them). As soon as I got home, I made sure to drink plenty of fluid and all of those symptoms stopped.

I have noticed that since Monday, the scale has seemed to stop moving almost completely. In fact, today I weigh slightly more than I did on Monday. And my sodium count has been normal, so I doubt that it's water weight. What do you think could be the cause? And how can I jump start my weight loss again?

Should I try dropping my calories by 100-200 per day (As it stands, I eat 1600 calories per day, and do no exercise), or should I try what other people have suggested and eat even more calories? Or should I just keep everything the same for another week and see if things go back to normal before I try something new? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    Keep everything the same, except for maybe that whole dehydration thing, for at least 4 weeks. 1 week is hardly enough time to notice much change.

    Also, there is no kick start for weightless, at least not one that's going to give you sustainable results.
  • jazzcatastrophe
    jazzcatastrophe Posts: 54 Member
    Weight loss is rarely linear. Just keep doing what you're doing