Hate fruits & veggies!



  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    How can you hate these cute lil critters?:cry:


  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Right on!!!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My husband doesn't like veggies either, and doesn't like most fruit (I love them all except avocados and bananas). We've been working at incorporating them into his diet. So we bought one veggie per week and tried different ways of cooking it. We actually compete with each other. There is just SO many ways to cook veggies, I would be totally amazed if you'd tried them all and disliked them.

    For example: Kale. We put it in soup. We put it in an omelette with cheese and mushrooms. We made kale chips by roasting it with olive oil and garlic. http://steamykitchen.com/6926-crispy-kale-recipe.html.

    Another week, we bought Asparagus. We tried the traditional /w hollandaise sauce. We grilled them with cracked pepper and olive oil. We chopped them and used in stir fry with beef or chicken.

    Then you can disguise them or mix them with other things. You can put mushrooms and spinach in omelettes. You can put beans in chili. You can put finely shredded cabbage in fried rice with egg and peas. You can mix cooked cauliflower with mashed potatoes. You can make a stew and throw tiny bits of veggies into it (they'll boil away to nothing eventually).

    Point is, he does get his veggies in now. One way or another, he gets several servings a day.

    But the biggest favor you can do yourself is to stop with the self-talk. As long as you go around saying, I HATE veggies, you've closed the door to any alternative. Maybe you could say instead, I'm looking for the right combo for my taste buds!
  • tater8589
    My husband does too. I buy V8 smoothies for him and at Cosco they sell a gummy snack that has a serving of both in 5 small gummies. They taste so good too... they taste kinda like fruit roll ups.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I just don't understand what you eat if you don't have any fruit or veggies?