What drives you bananas?



  • fat_forever
    If you watch much TV, then you will know what I mean....When I watch a car chase scene, whether in a movie or on TV. It's a clear, sunny day, but when the car chase scene begins, the roads are wet. What happened? Was there a sudden downpour somewhere?

    Then there are the bomb scenes where a mad bomber has placed a bomb somewhere and the hero has to stop it from exploding. First, why do they conveniently place a digital readout on the bomb so you can see how much time is left? Then, it's amazing how time slows down in the effort to stop the bomb from exploding. I mean, the bad guy calls the hero and tells him that he set the bomb to go off and kill someone. The good guy knows exactly where the bomb is, so he races to the scene to stop the explosion.(why don't they ever call on the radio for whatever policeman is closest to the bomb to stop it?) The bomb has 5 minutes left on the timer....the hero races 2 miles across town, runs up 15 flights of steps, races down the hallway, kicks down the door, unties the victim, then defuses the bomb with 2 seconds left.

    Then there are the car chase scenes where the chase is happening on dirt roads, yet you hear tires screeching. How can you make a tire screech on dirt?

    Why is it that the main cop is always teamed up with a beautiful female cop?

    Why aren't there any ugly people on soap operas?

    Why is it that the hero in the movie or TV show can stake out a place, see the bad guy come out and chase him, fight with him, have the bad guy escape only to chase him for many miles, yet never have to go to the bathroom?

    Then there are the good guy-bad guy chases on foot. The bad guy shoots at the good guy and the good guy shoots back. They shoot at each other the entire time they are running through an empty warehouse. They finally stop and are hiding behind walls or columns. As they get close to each other and are about to kill each other, they have to c*ck their guns. Why do they wait until the last second to c*ck their guns? They were chasing each other for hours.....wouldn't you think they'd have their guns loaded and cocked so they could fire immediately?

    This really drives me bananas....why is it that when one political party comes up with an idea, the opposing party develops a competing idea? Like if one party comes up with an idea for national health care, the opposing party comes up with their own plan? If the opposing party thought it was a good idea, why didn't they come up with the idea first?
  • BellaCoconut
    ...very easy to answer this one...typos, spelling mistakes and incorrect grammar! Anywhere!
    AAAARRRGGHHH! :explode:
    I have to admit it drives me nuts..... It only takes a minute to check what you've typed, and has anyone ever heard of spellcheck!?:huh:
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    People who stand there and look you up and down and give you dirty looks as they wait on you to move as opposed to just simply saying "excuse me". I just wanna smack 'em!!!!!
  • kpopa
    kpopa Posts: 515 Member
    :angry: hmm...i have a lot...:angry:

    current bananas:

    1- people that come to work sick and don't use sanitizer or are aware they're spreading their nasty sick germs all over

    2- people that interrupt conversations that you're having with SOMEONE ELSE!

    3- people that have no grasp on their own life but are the ones giving advice to others

    4- people that don't care about themselves and therefore don't care about anyone else...:cry:

    5- apathetic people

    6- people who think they own the sidewalk/train seat/walkway/ etc etc etc etc

    ok, i feel a bit better...thanks bananas post!!!! :wink:
  • havfaith
    Current Bananas::

    1. My next door neighbor who lets their kids through food/garbage in my yard
    2. My next door neighbor who tells me not to yell at my dogs when they go out of the yard (she thinks I should let them run)
    3. My next door neighbor who lets her dog run and it comes and pisses & ****s on my porch and she refuses to clean it up(I have pics of her dog)
    5. You call someone with a question and they tell you they will call you shortly to talk about it and never does
    6. When my husband shaves and don't rinse out the sink