I'm being honest...

I realized to today that I created a Fitness Group for people near me 2 years ago. In that 2 years I have GAINED weight. I know A LOT about weight loss. But for some reason, I just can't get it right. But this is where honesty comes in.

1. I like to eat while I read or sit at my computer. I know that this is auto-pilot eating. I should NOT do it. But I do. Why do I sabotage myself this way?

2. I actually like working out. I like being on the elliptical at the gym and watching my shows, or listening to music, or Zombies, Run. I like swimming. I like going for walks when it's not deathly cold. I like body flow class (basically a yoga/pilates/tai chi mash up) But I don't go. It's too cold. I'm too tired. Waaaaaaaa. I know winter doesn't make it easy for me to take my dumb a** to the gym, but I'm really screwing myself out of something I actually like to do. WTH!

3. I don't know that slow and steady is what is going to win the race for me. I try to be good for a month or two. I even lose. But I think I've gained and lost the same 8lbs every month, and then if I go on vacation, I majorly screw up. So even though I'm trying to do the "lifestyle" thing, I can easily undue whatever progress I've made. It's like I start hitting the weightloss mode and then I trip. It's stupid! I'm way WAY smarter than this. And if I'm not really losing weight, and it's just water weight I'm gaining and losing, well why is there no permanent loss when I am ABSOLUTELY following my calorie deficit.

Which makes me wonder again about my honesty. The first two are dead honest of the last few months since the cold has hit. but the 3rd....I don't know if I'm making excuses or not.

Any thoughts?


  • bkjk997
    bkjk997 Posts: 106 Member
    1. Instead of trying to kick this habit cold turkey, why not measure out portions of healthy snacks for you to munch on? Portion control and healthy choices will make all the difference.

    2. This one is going to take determination to actually do it. If you won't go to the gym, find something you enjoy doing at home. Or find a workout buddy to meet with at the gym (or at home for that matter).

    3. Slow and steady is the *only* thing that works - and it works for everyone who does it correctly. You have to make lifestyle changes, or you'll just keep gaining it all back. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

    If there was a magic diet or pill, the whole world would know about it. Unfortunately, the only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn, consistently over a period of time. The only way to know exactly how many calories you are consuming (and burning) is to log them. Whether you use MFP or some other tool, you have to log to truly know.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Maybe you don't know as much as you think you do. There is something to be said for always seeking out new information and different approaches.

    When you think you've mastered the game, the game masters you. Or something like that.
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    Do you often set lofty goals and quit mid stream, or is it just a weight loss thing?
  • SephiraRose
    SephiraRose Posts: 775 Member
    At least your being honest.
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    1. Instead of trying to kick this habit cold turkey, why not measure out portions of healthy snacks for you to munch on? Portion control and healthy choices will make all the difference.

    2. This one is going to take determination to actually do it. If you won't go to the gym, find something you enjoy doing at home. Or find a workout buddy to meet with at the gym (or at home for that matter).

    3. Slow and steady is the *only* thing that works - and it works for everyone who does it correctly. You have to make lifestyle changes, or you'll just keep gaining it all back. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

    If there was a magic diet or pill, the whole world would know about it. Unfortunately, the only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn, consistently over a period of time. The only way to know exactly how many calories you are consuming (and burning) is to log them. Whether you use MFP or some other tool, you have to log to truly know.

    Everyone says different things. This is the reality of the weight loss game. I made my "fitness group" 2 years ago to find a buddy, and it just hasn't worked out. People don't want to work out late at night when I'm done with work, and most that joined already have buddies.

    I already choose "healthy" snacks often. I just eat too much. I eat an apple. Then I measure out a bowl of cereal (I weigh it) and I don't feel satisfied.

    But thank you for the reply. I will keep what you have said in mind. But part 3 throws me for a loop still.
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    Maybe you don't know as much as you think you do. There is something to be said for always seeking out new information and different approaches.

    When you think you've mastered the game, the game masters you. Or something like that.

    What I mean by that is I can quote and give people great advice on how to lose weight. I just apparently suck at following my own advice. I figured I'd give myself some public shaming by posting. Maybe it will help? Though usually negative reinforcement doesn't help.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    You are just not ready. When you get ready, you will be successful.
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    Do you often set lofty goals and quit mid stream, or is it just a weight loss thing?

    Just a weightloss thing. I set a two year plan for myself to graduate from college, work on finances, and find myself in a stable relationship. I met every goal. Not perfectly, but very close. EXCEPT the weight loss one. :( Oh the suckage that is me. I've had a solid 6 months of being out of school and I planned to really focus on the weightloss because all the other goals perhaps were too much to do along with that goal. At least that's what someone on here suggested.

    It doesn't feel great to be honest, but I'm hoping being honest with myself and others about what I do will help. They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. I'm admitting what problems I'm making for myself.
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    You are just not ready. When you get ready, you will be successful.

    I was thinking about that the other day. I bought weight equipment. I began reading weight lifting articles on here, and looked at the various books people talk about. As I did this, I recalled the "stages" they teach at Jenny Craig. I can't remember their exact names. But I'm planning. Contemplating perhaps? How do you get to ready?
  • cyncmt
    cyncmt Posts: 17 Member
    your not the only one. setting up a routine for the gym helps. i go on my lunch break and after work on sat. nights and sometimes talk myself out of going. and i found popcorn is great to snack on at comp. add a glass or two of water and im usually satisfied and under 200 cal. Act II light is only 105 for 7 cups which is usually what pops in a bag
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    your not the only one. setting up a routine for the gym helps. i go on my lunch break and after work on sat. nights and sometimes talk myself out of going. and i found popcorn is great to snack on at comp. add a glass or two of water and im usually satisfied and under 200 cal. Act II light is only 105 for 7 cups which is usually what pops in a bag

    Good idea. I have been trying to increase fluids by drinking more tea and looking for healthy crunchy snacks that I can eat mindlessly when I read. Popcorn I forget sometimes. Probably because I eat it obsessively for awhile and then get sick of it. But I could add it back in again.

    I know. I need to set up a gym routine again. And it probably would be best to do it BEFORE work when it's not so cold and I'm not tired from working all day. I WILL DO IT! Starting tomorrow, cuz I'm stuck at work at the gym closed at 5pm today.
  • cyncmt
    cyncmt Posts: 17 Member
    its all about finding little changes. you can enjoy the "off limits" stuff more often; i like fruity mixed drinks, but avg 150 a glass is rough. but i make them at home with flavored water and can have 4 for 150 cal. fast food- i do kids meals at about half the cal usually under 600 with fries. eating out look ahead if you can and scout the best choice, but if its something you really want, go for it, just share it or split it and put half in a box for later. that works for me. the main thing to remember is you have support, most of us are willing to share what works for us and what we think others should be doing, but its hard to call yourself out on you shortcomings. don't beat yourself up on trips and stumbles cause that sets in negative thinking which leads to poor self esteem and that doesn't help
  • cyncmt
    cyncmt Posts: 17 Member
    with popcorn i use i can't believe it's not butter spray 0 cal and add italian seasoning/ powered ranch 5 cal for tsp/cinnamon and splenda/parmesan cheese 25 cal for tbsp. you can get creative
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    its all about finding little changes. you can enjoy the "off limits" stuff more often; i like fruity mixed drinks, but avg 150 a glass is rough. but i make them at home with flavored water and can have 4 for 150 cal. fast food- i do kids meals at about half the cal usually under 600 with fries. eating out look ahead if you can and scout the best choice, but if its something you really want, go for it, just share it or split it and put half in a box for later. that works for me. the main thing to remember is you have support, most of us are willing to share what works for us and what we think others should be doing, but its hard to call yourself out on you shortcomings. don't beat yourself up on trips and stumbles cause that sets in negative thinking which leads to poor self esteem and that doesn't help

    If I go out I usually do drinks like diet soda with something in it or whiskey and water with lemon slices. If I've saved some calories then I can do my favorite of hard ciders. In the past I've asked for a box at the begining of a meal. But we've been on vacation and appetizers killed it.

    But yeah, the point of the post is TO call myself out on my shortcomings. Because maybe I'll notice when I'm doing them if I tell people that I've been doing them. I told one of my close friends about some of them today and then decided to really come clean on here on two things I know for a fact are me sabotaging me.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    My thoughts if you zone out at the gym while watching TV, you might not be getting all the benefits of working out and may lean more towards just going through the motions.

    I use music to get me through the workouts. I have a ton of cardio mixes (62 and counting--I get bored easily) to help me set my pace. They're all carefully chosen for length and beat and lyrics. I do watch TV, well I read the subtitles, but the beat keeps me moving at the right speed.

    I bring my gym clothes to the office, change there and go directly to the gym. Sometimes, I'll throw them on at lunch and walk for a couple miles. Plus, I set a good example for my office mates! :)
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    You are just not ready. When you get ready, you will be successful.

    I was thinking about that the other day. I bought weight equipment. I began reading weight lifting articles on here, and looked at the various books people talk about. As I did this, I recalled the "stages" they teach at Jenny Craig. I can't remember their exact names. But I'm planning. Contemplating perhaps? How do you get to ready?

    For me, it was a WTF am I doing? Moment. I was laying on my fat *kitten* in the recliner when my then 8 year old asked me to come out and play catch with him. I said no, I'm watching tv. He shrugged and went outside. I saw through the window this little boy throwing the ball up in the air over and over again. It was like cold water in my face. I got up and went outside to play catch. That was over a year and 50 pounds ago. You will have a moment, and when you do, you will make it happen. Good luck!
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    My thoughts if you zone out at the gym while watching TV, you might not be getting all the benefits of working out and may lean more towards just going through the motions.

    I use music to get me through the workouts. I have a ton of cardio mixes (62 and counting--I get bored easily) to help me set my pace. They're all carefully chosen for length and beat and lyrics. I do watch TV, well I read the subtitles, but the beat keeps me moving at the right speed.

    I bring my gym clothes to the office, change there and go directly to the gym. Sometimes, I'll throw them on at lunch and walk for a couple miles. Plus, I set a good example for my office mates! :)

    I like your handle...lol. I don't think for me that zoning out and not gettingthe full benefit of the workout is a problem at this point. I need to focus on getting to the gym first. Setting up a weekly routine with it.

    But when I did have a routine I did what you do. Read subtitles and had music on. :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    honestly OP, this was me for many years.

    i started gaining weight after i stopped being an athlete and every now and then for a a few weeks i'd get an idea to lose weight. i'd stop eating everything and would be extra diligent about my workouts and i'd lose. i think back then the longest i went was for 3 months and i lost a pretty decent amount. then i'd fall off for like a year .

    i wouldnt necessarily say it was a short coming, i just wasnt ready to lose the weight. i wasnt ready mentally. keep in mind that being overweight is more than just a physical things, there are almost always emotional and mental reasons for subconsciously (or consciously) making that choice to become overweight. if you arent ready to face those issues then you will almost always "fail" but it's not really failing since it's just a matter of not being ready.

    ETA : I reached my ready phase in 2012. I lost 30 of the 80 pounds i need to lose. then took a maintenance break in 2013. and now i'm ready to lose the last 50 . you'll get there, my "ready" moment was a good friend (who was also overweight) having a heart attack and then me being diagnosed as having high blood pressure. getting back to being healthy is more important now than the reasons i originally gained weight.
  • hararayne
    hararayne Posts: 261 Member
    You are just not ready. When you get ready, you will be successful.

    I was thinking about that the other day. I bought weight equipment. I began reading weight lifting articles on here, and looked at the various books people talk about. As I did this, I recalled the "stages" they teach at Jenny Craig. I can't remember their exact names. But I'm planning. Contemplating perhaps? How do you get to ready?

    For me, it was a WTF am I doing? Moment. I was laying on my fat *kitten* in the recliner when my then 8 year old asked me to come out and play catch with him. I said no, I'm watching tv. He shrugged and went outside. I saw through the window this little boy throwing the ball up in the air over and over again. It was like cold water in my face. I got up and went outside to play catch. That was over a year and 50 pounds ago. You will have a moment, and when you do, you will make it happen. Good luck!

    I don't have children to have a moment like that. It's more getting dressed in the morning and thinking...I had an hourglass figure and now I'm turning into a rectangle. Ugh. I really miss taking my dogs for walks. I wish it wasn't so cold lately.
  • maracuya23
    Your diet doesn't need to be perfect, or planned. Your exercise doesn't need to be perfect or planned either.

    Just dive in. One snack, or meal, or set of squats, or a sun salutation, or day of accurate logging. Just do one thing, and then another as you think of it. Gradually, they'll just become habits. Or set a simple goal for one week or one month- like log every day (no goals/deficits/ etc, just log). Build on each tiny success and focus on the next. It can be a positive approach, without shaming or negativity.