KeevaDeva Posts: 4 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, so I've figured if I introduce myself maybe I'll be more motivated to stick to all this. I joined a few weeks ago and logged in a few days but, then I went for holidays in which case, I thought not even trying to start then.So, here I am now. Monday Sept 13th ready to start and ready to lose 60lbs hopefully.


  • mom_z
    mom_z Posts: 6 Member
    I just started today also. I always start off great, for example today, but I am going to try to do this and stick with it. Good luck to you!
  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    You can do it it gets easier. Trust me. I am about halfway through with P90X and have already lost about 20 pounds. I am hear if u need help or motivation an I am on everyday. Mostly. So if u need a friend on here to help u I can b there. Plus. I still need to loss about 60 pounds also. Good luck. O and what r u going to be doing as ur exercise.
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