Has anyone tried the 1:1:1 diet from Rania Batayneh?

I would be interested in any reviews before I give it a try... Particularly whether it is doable if you have a family.


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I just had a look at it because I'd never heard of it. I'm afraid it's just another case of someone making what is a simple process (losing weight) over complicated. You really just need to eat at a calorie deficit that's it nothing else.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I just had a look at it because I'd never heard of it. I'm afraid it's just another case of someone making what is a simple process (losing weight) over complicated. You really just need to eat at a calorie deficit that's it nothing else.

    This! Also with someone that picked the MFP name Allergictodiets why are you searching for diet plans and not just keeping it simple?
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I just had a look at it because I'd never heard of it. I'm afraid it's just another case of someone making what is a simple process (losing weight) over complicated. You really just need to eat at a calorie deficit that's it nothing else.

    Agreed. In the name of money. These supposed dieticians never seem to mention that you cant keep up such eating habits forever, so many dieters put on the weight again after the diet after going back to normal eating habits. Just eating normally but less is the way forward.
  • allergictodiets
    allergictodiets Posts: 233 Member
    I just had a look at it because I'd never heard of it. I'm afraid it's just another case of someone making what is a simple process (losing weight) over complicated. You really just need to eat at a calorie deficit that's it nothing else.

    This! Also with someone that picked the MFP name Allergictodiets why are you searching for diet plans and not just keeping it simple?

    Just asking, you do not have to attack me straight away. You do not know my diet history or my medical conditions. Good for you that "keeping it simple" works for you, it doesn't for me. Not everyone is the same and one way of eating may not work for someone else.
  • maracuya23
    I don't know that diet specifically. I am generally a big fan of reading about all kinds of approaches, though, since it's nice to see studies and reasoning behind why different authors advocate different methods. Usually, they have something worthwhile or thought-provoking to say (even if that thought turns out to be that I think it's a lousy idea). If you can take something from it that works well for you and incorporate it into your life in a positive way, great.

    For me, personally, I've found I've been most successful when I tweak my diet one change at a time. A scientific approach, if you will. That way, I have gradually found what works best for me. I definitely don't always eat in a way that makes me feel my best (I'm looking at my three cupcakes this past week- not ideal, since I don't feel great when I have too much sugar), but I've learned pretty well which foods are great for me and which ones are not so great. Which macro ratios work best for me to lose weight (really slowly) and feel energetic. Which ones seem to help make my thyroid meds work best. Etc.

    I personally like the specific data, and the change one thing at a time approach, since I'm big on why things work. In the end, my diet probably looks pretty similar to a combination of the Mediterranean diet and South Beach, when I'm eating in a way that makes me feel best. If I had just started following South Beach, I might have had the exact same results, just because it's what works for me. I wouldn't have known for sure why, though. For lots of people, the why is not important, just the results, which works too!