Exercises to be incorporated into a busy day


I am entering an extremely busy and stressful period at work, which means I will not have time to exercise much for the next 2-3 months. Are there any small tricks of incorporating small exercises into your life? I mean I already walk everywhere and take the stairs, but other things perhaps? Small changes that would help burn a few calories? I work all day into the late evening to night at a desk including weekend work, so it leaves little space for exercise and will take up most of my energy. Also because it will be very stressful and still exhausting I don't want to limit my calorie intake much further.

Anyway, I would be grateful for any ideas.



  • emmahadfield33
    Can you do some bodyweight exercises at work? A few sets of pushups etc throughout the day won't make a huge difference to your weight and strength, but when I was most stressed through my music degree, every hour or practice I would take 5 mins to do something. It would clear my head and I'm sure it made my body feel better just for having some movement.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Here's an eight minute bodyweight circuit you can do anywhere with no equipment, either before or after work, in your lunch break or sneak into an empty meeting room!

    As many as you can do in/hold for 30 seconds with 10 seconds between each:

    Jumping jacks
    Abdominal crunches
    Step-ups on a step or chair
    Triceps dips
    High-knee running
    Press-up with rotation
    Side plank


    Planks with leg raise
    Side plank with reach-around
    Reverse curl

    Hope that helps! :flowerforyou: