No More Excuses -- Week 44



  • tigermom79
    Good morning all!!!! Had a great birthday week-end, but it showed when I stepped on the scale! YUCK!!! I get the biggest gainer award this week! I will do better however! NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!

    Have a great week!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Monday...NOT!! My day started with a computer virus but thankfully I finally got it fixed. Now I am doing my work that should have been done by 1:00 today. I'll be working up until my softball game at 6:30 or later. I just finished week 1 of boot camp and feel somewhat stronger. It may have been just a touch easier than last Monday, not sure yet. I got back from my niece's wedding last night. It was beautiful. Overall I made good food choices. I walked on the beach every day. I was only up about half a pound this morning so hopefully it won't hang around. Hope you all have a healthy day.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hi all...Hope today is better than yesterday. I started with a crashed computer and ended with a frustrating softball game. I plan on it being my last. I am playing adult co-ed and mostly am sitting on the bench. I had to stop working last night and run to the game without supper and sat the bench except for one inning. I am not an all star but I am better than most of the women playing. They are all either related or friends and I am the new girl. I just have too many things going on to go over there and watch a softball game. Oh well, maybe next season I can find a team or build my own. I am down another pound today to 167 so I am thankful for seeing some progress. Today my goal is to log all my food, drink more water (I drink too much decaf tea with Splenda) and be thankful for my many blessings. Hope you all have a great day:smile:
  • hawkeye01
    Morning Team,

    Based on some comments I am reading it looks like we have a few losers this week. Congrats to you all. I was able to squeak by with a 1 pound loss myself which I will take. I was actually down 2 going into the weekend, but we all know how that goes. You go into the weekend with very good intentions and then slowly manage to eat a little more here and there and before you know it, you have blown your calories. And then once you have already blown it, it's like screw it I will just eat whatever. The killer for me will be Sunday's because I live for watching the football games. I will sit there for 12 hours straight watching the sports shows and games and all along doing some snacking. I know I tend to snack fairly heathly with nuts, fruits, etc.. but it's the quanity that gets me.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great active week.

    Take care - Hawkeye
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy hump day...I am having a good week. I have stayed within cals every day. I went over on sodium yesterday and I could tell it. I have started week 2 of boot camp and it is a little easier. I am on my 4th glass of water for today. I'm trying to keep a glass in front of my computer while I work instead of the tea that I normally drink. Hope you all have a great day.