Looking for like minded friends

Hi I'm Caitlin. I have used MFP on and off for several years, but only just started communicating with the MFP community last month. I love having friends to support and recieve support/advice from but I find it really hard when I don't agree with how s friend is trying to loose weight. I still support them, but I would like more friends that share at least some of my same feelings on how to loose weight safely.

I firmly believe everyone should cosume at least the minimum number of calories recomended for their gender (1200 for females, 1500 for male) unless they have professional guidance to consume less. This is my number one thing.

My next point is that I believe everyone should try to eat at least half of their calories they gain from exercise daily.

I don't have an issue with the occassional day where either of these things aren't met. It happens sometimes for various reasons. But I really want friends I know feel the same about these points and know that it is important to fuel your body to achieve your goals. If that's you and you are looking for some new friends, add me so we can support one another.

I'm not looking to start a debate on the topic of eating enough calories daily. I feel how I feel and know what I know, and so do you. I just think it makes more sense to have friends that agree on some basic ideas so that we can really feel good about the support we are getting and giving.
