My Weight Loss Story - My Next Step

I've posted once before when I got to 100 lb mark in my journey but now I've reached the end of my weight loss and have been maintaining my weight, I thought it'd be best to give an update!

First off, My name is Laura I’m 23 and I've lost 123 lbs in 3 years. I went from being 258 lbs to 135 lbs.

My Before Pic at ~258lbs

My After Pic at ~135lbs

I don’t remember when I started to gain weight. I have very little photos of me as a child. I have managed to salvage and find a couple of pictures from primary school till when I was about 7 and I was quite a slim child.

I’m going to guess the weight started piling on at the end of primary school/ start of high school. I don’t know why I started to pile it on, my guess is that I just ate out of bordem and was allowed to get away with it.

I have vague memories of being very scared starting high school. Worried I would be bigger than everyone else and worried I would make no friends. I didn’t know anyone in high school as I chose not to go to the local high school near where I lived. High school wasn’t bad, but the weight just kept creeping on. I was never bullied in high school which was a surprise to me but I was never acknowledged by the popular people. I remember seeing a picture a while back of me and my friends at the end of High school, I thought I looked HUGE then(i didnt save the picture but my first thought was to click away and never look at it again. Now i wish i had saved it for reference).

I went to college with very little self confidence, and doing a subject where most of the class were male didn’t help. I enjoyed college for the most part, I didn’t go on any class trips to France or Spain and just mostly kept to myself and focused on my studies.

I finished college, did pretty well and went to university, again doing a male dominated subject but I really enjoyed it, I got along with everyone but still never got involved. I decided not to live in halls and I didn’t go out clubbing or to pubs like most of the other students. I just wasn’t into that sort of stuff.. Or maybe it was my weight and confidence telling me not to do it I case people look at me.

During most of college and university I spent my time on my computer, I was playing online games. It took up a lot of my time other than studying. I probably ate a lot sat at the computer too.

It was only after about a year and a half that I decided it was time to lose weight.

In 2010, I went on holiday to Egypt with my boyfriend. I hated wearing a swimsuit but it was too hot to wear anything else to cover up. I avoided having my picture taken for the most part. I obviously kept the pictures for memory but hardly looked at them.

In feb 2011 was when I started my weight loss journey. I went to the doctors for advice, had a thyroid check(which was all fine) and sorted out a plan for what I could do to lose weight. At this time, i weighed in at 18st 6lbs at 5' 6'' and a size 22/24. I bought an Xbox and Kinect and the biggest looser fitness game, Ate healthier and did exercise religiously everyday.

I was steadily losing about 2lbs a week. By our next holiday in 2011, I was down 18kg(almost 40lbs), still hated the way I looked but wasn’t AS self conscious. Still didn’t like having pictures taken but did them for memories. Looking at the comparison between my holiday in 2010 and my pictures in 2011 there was a big difference.

My boyfriend was also bigger and had gained weight. After seeing my weight loss, he too started to loose weight in feb 2011 like me. In about 4-5 months he had lost about 5stone and has kept it off. He was then my inspiration, if he could do it, so could I and he’s been so supportive the whole time.

I’ve gotten to my goal weight of 135 lbs and I’m a much happier and healthier person than I was 3 years ago. I run 4 times a week, and also do home Yoga and Kettlebell workouts.


Unfortunately, I have been left with some loose skin from losing all the weight and I have surgery for a Tummy Tuck and a Breast Uplift on the 10th of April to finally rid myself of it and start to tone up properly.

I have a blog as well as other social media platforms that you can follow me along on if you're interested. I'm blogging about my skin removal surgery over on my blog, so if its something you're interested in, you can have a look:
Social Media Handle: laura_fat2fit

I hope this can serve as some motivation or inspiration to someone who is on the journey to being a healthier person. If I can do it, so can you! Just keep believing you can do it and DON'T GIVE UP!

Thanks for reading! Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like or if you have any questions, I'll be more than welcome to answer!



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