Feeling discouraged :(



  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Did you also take measurements? The scale is not the end all be all of changes.

    I didn't read everything above. Are you sure you tracked food well? Sometimes we fell like "Hey I'm working out I can eat more" and really, its not That much more. Calories sneak up quickly.

    I'd love to help motivate if I can! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • LKW59
    LKW59 Posts: 28
    Thank you all. I was feeling so discouraged today. This is week 3 for me and I have been exercising, weight lifting and no weight loss. I have been doing cardio for months too. The only thing I have noticed is that I am stronger. Can lift more weight and that I can increase the incline on the elliptical.

    I come here to be reminded I need to be patient. . . Again thank you all for helping me keep on track :)
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Sodium, sodium and more sodium. Cut your sodium down to 1500, 2000 the most and you will see a change. It does not matter how much water you drink, you will have problems if you continue eating such high sodium foods.

    I love smoked salmon, but I know once I eat it, I will be affected for a couple of days or more.