Getting Past a Slump

You have been losing weight, slow but steady, and all of a sudden, you hit a block. A slump. 3 weeks in my case, I know some of yours have been longer. How do you break that barrier and get over the slump and keep losing?! If I don't see any results this week, I am going to give up! Losing motivation! Help!


  • swsays
    swsays Posts: 125 Member
    Remember it's only a number on a scale! Look for the other positive things in your life - write a gratitude list if that helps - and notice what I'm guessing is a huge pile of things that you can be thankful for and many of them are directly related to you taking steps to improve your own health. Maybe even take a break from the scale for a while and focus on just being and feeling healthier? The more you can take your focus off one thing (like the number on the scale) the more you can see the big picture. Hang in there!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    the biggest thing that helped me was measuring. I only take my measurements about every 6-8 weeks, although I am a daily weigh-in person. When I'm not seeing that downward trend on the scale for awhile I'll usually measure and see a difference and that gives me the boost I need to keep plugging on until the "slump" ends!

    It has also helped me to look at the charts/graphs on MFP and do the math on exactly how much I've lost and my monthly average loss. Sometimes I feel like "oh as I've gotten smaller the loss has slowed" but it hasn't very's just happening in little waves of 1-3 lb instead of the near-constant small increments.

    Hang in there and don't give up. If you give up, you'll probably regret it!!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Honestly, the weight itself means little to me. My motivation is to 1. be able to get pregnant, and 2. get off all medications.

    Maybe you need to reprioritize your motivations. What reasons are you wanting to lose weight? What will be the benefits of doing so?
  • beedracass
    beedracass Posts: 3 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. I've lost 80 and I have 50 more I want to lose. The past few months the weightloss has slowed to a crawl. Last month I stalled out. I tried upping my excersise intensity and started gaining numbers on the scale ( water rention I know, but still disappointing) last week I tried upping my calories from 1300-1500 to 1800-2000 and lost 5lbs that week. Try shaking things up. I know people will tell you to step away from the scale, and generally that is probably good advice. For me the scale keeps me honest. I got so out of control by not weighing. Staying on the scale everyday makes it impossible for me to be in denial. I accept daily water fluctuations and try not to sweat them, if you need the scale to stay motivated, use it. Don't give up though because it's not moving. Reassess your food intake, not just calories but macro breakdown...fat, carb, protein percentages...I found lots of great websites that helped me decide on my breakdowns. Mostly body building forums, those guys know their stuff. Good luck! This is just a bump in the road, it too shall pass. Just don't give up, try a new approach.