has anyone tried...?

anyone tried the raw vegan life style?
I came across that freelee banana girl thing and was kind of interested... im already a vegetarian, and was very intrigued by her way of eating.... im only curious how that much sugar from fruit could really get results like hers? I want to try it, but honestly would probably eat more veg than she seems to...
anybody out there ever tried this life style or may be doing it now? im not saying diet because im not trying to lose weight.. im trying to gain weight
if anyone has or is doing this, got any tips on how to go about it?
thanks all :)


  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    anyone tried the raw vegan life style?
    I came across that freelee banana girl thing and was kind of interested... im already a vegetarian, and was very intrigued by her way of eating.... im only curious how that much sugar from fruit could really get results like hers? I want to try it, but honestly would probably eat more veg than she seems to...
    anybody out there ever tried this life style or may be doing it now? im not saying diet because im not trying to lose weight.. im trying to gain weight
    if anyone has or is doing this, got any tips on how to go about it?
    thanks all :)

    What's wrong with your current vegetarian diet that you think this may be beneficial? Do you not eat a lot of raw vegetables already?
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    From what I understand, the banana girl is not the best source of inspiration or information.
  • KickingButt
    KickingButt Posts: 75 Member
    What's wrong with your current vegetarian diet that you think this may be beneficial? Do you not eat a lot of raw vegetables already?

    nothing wrong with my current diet, but I do have dairy and other things that would not b "allowed" on her form of diet.. I guess I was just curios if maybe her way would have better results?
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Gaining weight is eating things. If you include dairy or not is irrelevant for that goal.
    If you want to gain weight, I assume you mean muscle, so lots of protein is suggested, which is easier if you include dairy, so there's that.