Tortilla shells.. what tortilla shells?!

MDixon26 Posts: 44 Member
I am on a very low-carb diet and have really missed all of my favorite Mexican foods that call for tortillas. There are, of course, low-carb tortilla shells on the market, I've never found them very tasty and they do not tend to cook up well in recipes (in my experience).

I recently picked up a package of Joseph's Lavash wraps.. oh.. my... goodness. These are so good! I can use them for wraps, toast them for sandwiches, or, as I recently discovered, use them in the place of a tortilla shell with exceptional results!

I've so far used them in making enchiladas, fajitas, quesadillas, and just plain ol' burritos. They just taste delicious, and they cook up perfectly. I can't tell the difference between them and a regular tortilla shell and my super picky husband can't either.

I've also cut these into triangles, spritzed them with olive oil and sprinkled a bit of salt on, then broiled for a couple minutes to make tortilla chips. Extra yummy when dipped into non-fat greek yogurt mixed with taco seasoning!

The wraps themselves are huge, and only 1/2 of one is a serving but the nutrition info for 1/2 of a wrap is:

Cals: 50
Carbs: 7
Fiber: 3
Protein: 5
Fat: 2
Sugars: 0

Oh, and I found them at Wal-Mart. They also make an excellent pita bread that I like, and mini pitas which I like but are not much better than the regular size ones on calorie/carb so I just get the big ones..


  • kellyj5201
    kellyj5201 Posts: 57 Member
    i love pita bread! definitally going to check them out!:happy: