over40gal Posts: 4
edited February 13 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm new here, but I thought I'd share some things I do at work (I have a desk job) to get in a little bit of exercise during the daytime. I use the restroom on the floor above or floor below so I'm getting in 6 - 8 flights of stairs each day. While waiting for my hot water for tea to heat up in the breakroom, I raise and lower on my tippy toes for 2 minutes. A mall is across the street from me so it's a great place to get in about 30 minutes of walking during lunch. Leg lifts while sitting in my chair. Does anyone else have something you do at your 'desk job' to get in a little calorie burning? Thanks!


  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I have bands I keep next to my desk so I can use them at lunch time. I also have bicycle pedals that fit under my desk for some impromptu cardio. Also, I have a balance ball I occasionally swap out for my desk chair. :)
  • mshippiequeen
    mshippiequeen Posts: 46 Member
    what a great post! i stole an idea i actually saw on the show "the office" where kevin would put a ream of paper across his shins and do slow, small range lifts. great for inner thighs!
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    I have a standing desk and usually managed to walk a couple miles at lunch (sometimes I don't get lunch--I eat at my desk) since my gym clothes are with me anyway (I go after work). I park in a remote lot and walk in.

    The little things add up.
  • Great ideas! Thanks, keep 'em coming...
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