Guilty Feeling Full

Most days I eat as close to clean as I can manage and stay at or well under my calorie goals, and am ALWAYS full, but I feel guilty about that, like if I'm not starving I feel like I'm not trying hard enough... Which I know isn't the case as I've lost 7 lbs in the last week alone, but I can't get past that guilty nagging feeling like I shouldn't have eaten as much... How do you get past that?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Eat until Satisfied rather until you're stuffed full. But other than that you should never feel guilty for giving your body the nutrients it needs to survive and function properly. Great job on the loss!
  • Anonycatgirl
    Anonycatgirl Posts: 502 Member
    I actually find I'm full a lot, especially if I have a large salad. Makes me happy, since I was convinced I'd be starving all the time. Relax and enjoy, since you're obviously doing something right!
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Depends on what you mean by Full. Do you feel absolutely stuffed? Or satisfied? Or, as you said, NOT hungry?

    Being in the state of satiation is NOT a bad thing. Not feeling hungry is not a guilt.

    I am a bit concerned about your question because it seems to be going into the direction of an unhealthy attitude towards healthy eating.

    A good way to remind yourself, IMO, is that you are eating to FUEL yourself, like an engine, to do what your body needs to do, from everyday breathing to intensive workouts.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Try eating within 150 calories of your goal every day for a week. Especially with your clean eating, you should be very happy to get your body all those nutrients!

    Undereating, feeling guilty for being satisfied and losing 7 lbs. a week (unless you were extremely bloated last week) are not healthy habits. If you just started and are adjusting, hopefully things will look up (not the case, by looking at your ticker). If have been feeling this way for more than a month, please seek professional health.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    Most days I eat as close to clean as I can manage and stay at or well under my calorie goals, and am ALWAYS full, but I feel guilty about that, like if I'm not starving I feel like I'm not trying hard enough... Which I know isn't the case as I've lost 7 lbs in the last week alone, but I can't get past that guilty nagging feeling like I shouldn't have eaten as much... How do you get past that?

    How many calories a day are you getting?

    one thing to keep in mind that anorexics for example can feel very full on just eating lots of fibrous vegetables and no fat yoghurt and it all equating to about 700 cals a day. So hunger and satiety are not necessarily perfect indicators of adequate nutrition. If I eat a high protein diet I struggle eating more the 900-1000 cals, because protein sates me and I don't feel the need to eat more and the result is that I am lethargic and my brain is fuzzy all the time. So for me personally I have to have a certain amount of carbs every day, and those carbs can't just come from veggies or fruit. Every person is different though and the challenge is to find the right combination and calorie level for you.

    The guilt is something that you need to address separately. It might work if you see it as not a diet, but rather how you should have been eating all along.
  • hmp1130
    hmp1130 Posts: 45 Member
    I actually took 6 weeks off and gained 17 lbs so losing 7lbs my first week back wasn't too shocking after all the bad choices (soda, pizza, donuts) I made... I'm not restricting myself excessively, as I understand BMR, RMR, TDEE and starvation mode very well. I take in about 1250ish calories every day (I work a desk job from home) it's just all fresh fruits & vegetables and lean proteins. I've avoided most white flour & sugar. I guess I may have mis-stated in my OP. Previous to my "new start" I always lost weight by still eating the bad stuff but stopping when I met my calorie limit for the day, so I would get SO very little I was always hungry, but it was always all so high calorie that I ran out quick. Now that I've discovered clean eating I'm always full (satisfied full, not sick, unbutton my pants full) and it feels great.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I also find the less processed foods and sugar I eat the less hungry I am. Think of it more as that you are giving your body all the nutrients it needs so you are satisfied and not hungry. Your body isn't crying out for more vitamins and minerals and protein like it does when you eat empty calories.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Try eating within 150 calories of your goal every day for a week. Especially with your clean eating, you should be very happy to get your body all those nutrients!

    Don't do this unless your goal is set to your TDEE, if it is not, eat to your goal calories. I had to force myself to eat more before and now i'm thankful that I did it. I am healthier, happier and rarely ever hungry. It's amazing how much more you can eat when you eat cleaner. I can eat an entire huge meal for the calorie cost of 2 slices of pizza and be full, longer and more satisfied and bonus I've likely contributed to my macro goals in a more meaningful way. It's an awesome way to eat. healthy food and an occasional junky treat because ya know..we're human after all. :)

    ETA: 1250ish is not enough calories.. you need to eat. I eat about what your goals are everyday.. I have some bad days, but mostly good ones. You can do it. You jut have to be diligent and keep adding in foods until you reach your goal consistently.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I actually took 6 weeks off and gained 17 lbs so losing 7lbs my first week back wasn't too shocking after all the bad choices (soda, pizza, donuts) I made... I'm not restricting myself excessively, as I understand BMR, RMR, TDEE and starvation mode very well. I take in about 1250ish calories every day (I work a desk job from home) it's just all fresh fruits & vegetables and lean proteins. I've avoided most white flour & sugar. I guess I may have mis-stated in my OP. Previous to my "new start" I always lost weight by still eating the bad stuff but stopping when I met my calorie limit for the day, so I would get SO very little I was always hungry, but it was always all so high calorie that I ran out quick. Now that I've discovered clean eating I'm always full (satisfied full, not sick, unbutton my pants full) and it feels great.

    According to your diary, you are NOT getting 1250ish a day. I went back a couple of days again, and you did not hit that a single time and you had 500 one day.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Guilt would suggest an unhealthy attitude towards food.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I looked at your diary expecting to defend you. I get most of my calories from micronutrient rich foods (fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, seeds.. That stuff) and I have been struggling with fullness. This would probably not be so bad if I were a juicer, but I'm not. I fill up on fiber way before I reach my calorie goals or get enough protein. In working on this (adding more lean proteins, planning on getting a juicer so that I don't fill up on fiber), so I thought maybe you were struggling with the same thing as me.. But I think you are just not eating.

    On the day you had Pizza Hut boneless wings, you only had lunch. You are trying to lose weight, not gain or maintain, so you should be able to eat your required calories. If you are trying to avoid your trigger foods and don't like other stuff, that's something else to work on. Since you don't seem to have a problem with willpower, try getting most of your calories, and protein, early in the day and then snacking the rest of the day on fruits and veggies. Them you can fill up guilt free.