Starting Paleo--40 lbs to lose! This is day one.

Hi out there! I am finally doing this. I know that the low carb, good protein way of doing things works for me, and I know that breads and carbs are my addiction, downfall, and big challenges. So I am going to try this. 30 day challenge to myself to begin with!!

Is anyone else starting on this journey? I could use at least one person to buddy with!

About me, I'm 51, working and going to school, 2 grown up kids and one ten year old at home. From the sandwich generation, I'm also caring for an elderly mom.

Being busy has been my excuse/reason/challenge for ignoring my lifestyle habits and health. I'm ready now to make the change to more positive focus on myself. Not just for myself, but so that I can be there for my family, friends, and clients in a vibrant, positive, healthy way!

Hope to meet up with one or two folks in similar situations.

Best to all!
