10 day juice fast



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    To see if your problems are food related, personally I would try cutting out one food group at a time and seeing which one makes a difference.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I'm having an EAT ALL THE FOODZ cleanse right now.
    I'm loving it.

  • After a quick look at your diary, the few days I saw you blogged, you were under 1200 calories. I'm not a doctor, and don't pretend to be one, but in my opinion, you may be getting headaches because you're not eating enough. Make an appointment with your doctor and talk to him/her about the minimum amount of calories you should be consuming.

    Good luck! ????

    Thank you
    As I am new here I am very bad at adding to my diary. It does not reflect everything I eat.
  • MrsCurvyFab
    MrsCurvyFab Posts: 46 Member
    HI Lauren, I know everyone is saying you don't need it. I would definately ask your PCP. Now from my own experience.. I did a 10 day juice also after watching fat sick nearly dead. After 3 days of breaking my caffeine addiction, i was in utopia. I felt awesome.. I lost 10lbs, and gained it all back after I started eating again. Nothing really happend. so IDK.

    My husband also juiced with me. lost 15lbs, and hasn't gained anything back. He used to be a smoker, and when he started juicing he started coughing a lot of 'black stuff' which we looked it up, and research indicated he was releasing build up in his lungs from smoking. He hadn't smoked in years prior to the juice fast.

    Third, my coworker suffered from migraines almost weekly. I told her to watch the movie, research online, talk to her doctor, etc. AFter my experience she tried the fast as well, but eating a sensible dinner at home. she did this for 30 days. obviously lost weight, but she was headache migraine free. She said no other pill has ever worked quite like juicing did. She continues to juice her breakfast, and sometimes at lunch also.

    Thank you so much for your input.
    In regards to my headaches I've been tested and been through the ringer and no one knows why. And I have tried everything even my balanced diet with only water through out the day doesn't help.

    no problem.. she also has been through so many tests. her mom died when she was young and she suffered from migraines, so as a precaution she vists her doctor on the regular!
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Though going on any kind of "cleanse" is really just a drastic fad diet that will wear you out, I do think that juicing is a wonderful thing! Instead of going on a 10-day cleanse, why don't you try having a glass of juice every morning before breakfast (or instead of breakfast if you are so inclined, but you may need a high-protein snack before lunch if you get hungry)? You'll still get all those nutrients that will "cleanse" (re: support the overall health of) your organs, but you won't be going any damage!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    i get awful headaches daily and I read that cleaning out the toxins will help.

    Even if it is your issue, it will only help if you actually identify the triggers that your body is treating like toxins. For that, you would be better off with something like the elimination diet, where you only eat foods that nobody but the most unlucky people on earth are allergic to (mostly veggies, but with some limitations even on that) for awhile, then slowly add back in different kinds of foods to determine if you react to any of them. You would eliminate foods that many people include in their juices: tomatoes and fruits, for example, but have access to some proteins, like lamb.

    For example, a lot of people who talk about how much better they feel since going gluten free are actually sensitive to yeast and by cutting out its most abundant source, have cut back to levels that they don't really react to. And yeast is a common trigger for headaches, hiding in a lot of your foods.
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    This is just my personal experience, too... I was feeling really tired and sluggish for awhile last year even after sleeping more, working less and hitting the gym. I also watched the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and decided to try a 10 day juice "cleanse". I didn't do it to try to lose weight, I just wanted to feel better without drinking 3 shots of espresso throughout the day. I bought a juicer and followed recipes I found on the movie's website and stopped drinking espresso since that is what they suggest.

    I have to tell you, even without my daily dose of caffeine, I felt like I had so much energy and got the pep in my step back. I was waking up before my alarm clock feeling rested and still had so much energy after work. I never felt physically hungry but I did miss chewing food. I only got a headache on the 4th day that didn't last long.

    I'm not good at eating balanced meals so I think the juice gave me a lot of nutrients and vitamins that I was missing from my junk diet. I juiced a lot of kale, celery, spinach and cucumber - the amount that goes into one juice, I would not be able to eat in one sitting, so for instance, in one juice, I got the vitamins and nutrients of big bag of kale, 2 cups of spinach, a cucumber and an apple without having to eat all of it. I lost 7 pounds but gained 4 back after I started eating again. My coworker started juicing, too, and felt more energetic and her headaches stopped (she had juice for two meals and had a small dinner).

    Would I do it again? I wouldn't suggest a juice only fast but maybe have one for breakfast and have sensible meals at lunch and dinner time. I still make fresh juice from fruits and veggies and love it. Could I have gotten the same results if I just ate better and/or took vitamins? Maybe...For me, it was an overall positive experience but keep in mind I was doing it to take away the sluggish feeling, not to lose weight.

    Last thing, I do agree with the others who say that our body does all the detoxing so I don't think the juice helps with that. For me, the best way to lose weight is just through calorie deficit and muscle building. I hope you find what works for you. Good luck!
  • MzCongeniality70
    MzCongeniality70 Posts: 352 Member

    Then maybe you should. Kiddo, be careful when you post topics, there are quite a few people on this site with nothing better to do than put other people down. Add friends that you have things in common with and pick their brains. There are a couple of really good groups on here that I can give you links to. They are interested in educating rather than slamming.

    To you that posted this to her, if you have anything to say to me, feel free to PM. Thanks
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member
    I second the above. I'm not a doctor, but my partner's son is intolerant to a lot of foods so I have read a lot about food allergies and preservatives etc etc. Frequent headaches could signal that you are intolerant to something - perhaps a certain type of food such as gluten, yeast or a particular food additive or pesticide even. So many chemicals are added to our foods these days it's no wonder there are so many food allergies and intolerances. Try eliminating the most common nasties (sulfites, nitrites and amines) from your diet and see how you go. Also, a glass of warm water and lemon or apple cider vinegar (unless you are sensitive) first thing each morning is supposed to be very helpful in waking up a sluggish liver and getting your metabolism working. Also, make sure you drink plenty of filtered water - not tap water unless you have a filter attached - to keep the kidneys and liver flushed.

    There are some common headache-causing food additives on this site - I know that MSG gives me shocking headaches even if there is only a tiny amount present. http://www.joybauer.com/migraines/common-trigger-foods.aspx

    Finally, make sure you eat enough as your headaches could be from just being hungry and having low blood sugar.

    For the record, I love juicing but don't see it as a cleanse or detox - I incorporate juices into my daily diet all the time and love them.
  • renley
    renley Posts: 35 Member
    I find when I get unexplained headaches it is because I have not been drinking enough water. A cleanse/detox doesn't help, I have never tried one and have no plans to try one. I have a healthy body, inside and out. Increase your water intake.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    After a quick look at your diary, the few days I saw you blogged, you were under 1200 calories. I'm not a doctor, and don't pretend to be one, but in my opinion, you may be getting headaches because you're not eating enough. Make an appointment with your doctor and talk to him/her about the minimum amount of calories you should be consuming.

    Good luck! ????

    Thank you
    As I am new here I am very bad at adding to my diary. It does not reflect everything I eat.

    I suggest that you make this your number one priority...above any "cleanses" or even above changing your exercise and eating habits. Once you are consistently doing this, you can make the necessary adjustments to reach your goal(s). Until you do this, you're just playing around with what is truly the "secret" to success.
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    I am not a doctor but I am a self proclaimed MFP forum expert and if you want cleanse you need to have a liver. A liver is this thing that's inside of you, it was created while you were in your mother womb and it's magical! To make sure it's working right all you need is this other "magical" substance called water. That's right if you drink enough water it will help your liver with cleansing.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Then maybe you should. Kiddo, be careful when you post topics, there are quite a few people on this site with nothing better to do than put other people down. Add friends that you have things in common with and pick their brains. There are a couple of really good groups on here that I can give you links to. They are interested in educating rather than slamming.

    To you that posted this to her, if you have anything to say to me, feel free to PM. Thanks

    Well, ^this post was mean.

    Of course, so is perpetuating the myth that a juice fast "cleanses" anything at all or is beneficial in any way...

    ...and inviting someone into a group where they are fed bogus information about the topic isn't helpful either.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member

    Then maybe you should. Kiddo, be careful when you post topics, there are quite a few people on this site with nothing better to do than put other people down. Add friends that you have things in common with and pick their brains. There are a couple of really good groups on here that I can give you links to. They are interested in educating rather than slamming.

    To you that posted this to her, if you have anything to say to me, feel free to PM. Thanks

    Yea, because adding friends who believe in juice fasts and detoxes is a good thing for someone to do.... </sarcasm>

    Plus, people need to just stop with the "people are mean" junk. It gets old.

    Juice fasts and detoxes DO NOT WORK. PERIOD. There is no scientific backing to them. Just a few people who release books and docs so that they can make some money off of people who are too gullible for their own good. The only things these fasts will "cleanse" is the money out of your wallet.

    If the OP has frequent headaches then an elimination diet might be the best idea. However, speak to your doctor before starting this and maybe get a referral to an allergist. Elimination diets need to be done a specific way to make sure you are getting accurate results.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Juice fasts and detoxes DO NOT WORK. PERIOD. There is no scientific backing to them.

    1,000 cals a day for a week on a juice / smoothie "fast" has a calorie deficit and a high intake of minerals & vitamins. It would be wrong to say there's no science behind that any more than any other calorie deficit method.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Juice fasts and detoxes DO NOT WORK. PERIOD. There is no scientific backing to them.

    1,000 cals a day for a week on a juice / smoothie "fast" has a calorie deficit and a high intake of minerals & vitamins. It would be wrong to say there's no science behind that any more than any other calorie deficit method.

    I wasn't speaking for the calorie deficit. I was speaking for the "cleanse" and "toxin" BS.