My Scale - struggles battles feeling

So today I stepped on the scale and it was blank. Guess I should have paid attention to that "low battery" sign. However I learned something today. Normally, I have lots of emotions after stepping on the scale. Happiness, Sadness, Nervous, frustration, ect ect.... I know its just a number and that shouldn't be the judge of progress. When I was lifting weights I used to only pay attention to the Body Fat / Water Weight numbers. But I stopped lifting a while back (mistake) and then stopped they gym (another mistake) but with that being said I have started up in this weight loss journey again and well the scale is my measure.

Today, I learned that stepping on the scale shouldn't be stressful it should a simple sign of progress. Even if the numbers move up if I keep stepping on that scale they will go down. Stepping on the scale should simply be a reminder that I am doing the right thing and that is more important than the number on the scale.

So my Motivation and Support statment for the day. Remember your on a journey and evey journey has highs and lows and if you learn to enjoy "both" you will be much happier at the end.
