Looking For New Friends - Need The Extra Support!!

Hi everyone, my name is Cat - I have been a member of MFP for a few years now ! I have had wonderful success, I love this site! But after going back to work full time - I have struggled - not only with my eating habits (not eating enough is more my issue), but trying to combine the full time career mom with the once one stay at home mom..Its been difficult.
I am once again getting back on track - I could sure use some extra support - And I need the help and support from those who are dedicated themselves :)
I'm looking for friends that can help me, motivate me, as I can you, Feel free to send me a friend request and introduce yourself to me!! Looking forward to meeting new friends!


  • kristymccarrick
    hello my name is kristy I like you have been struggling lately I have lost 96 pounds but now I have gained 36 pounds back since we have moved to a new town to far away from my local gym so its been very hard for me and im so unhappy with my weight gain im back at the gym in my new town and back on my diet as of today im trying my hardest to get back what I had and loose what I have gained I need to loose 36 pounds to get back where I was in the beginning I was 267 pounds and got down to 175 now im back to 209 and I want to get back to 175 again. im here if youd like to chat and share anything I myself could use some support to.