I'm not losing anything and i have Orilisat

I've been excising and eating much better since November and I've lost 4 pounds in total and its now February and even then it goes up and down. :cry:

My doctor put me on Orilstat about 3 weeks ago and I'm due my four week check up in a week and with the amount of weight ive lost I'm probably going to be taken off which is just incredibility disheartening.

Seeing no changes in inches or pounds makes me just want to give up sometimes. :ohwell:

The Orilistat has actually been going well and i've been eating right with it...I don't know maybe its something about feeling like i have a little extra help?

I'm wondering if my old thyroid could be the reason I'm not shifting any weight at all? Maybe i still have it?

Is there anything i can do? Anyway for me to actually start losing weight?