Looking for help?

Hi! I'm a bit of a newbie on the forums although i've been using MFP on my iphone for a few months now but I'm struggling to find myself losing weight.

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia a few months ago (Its a pain disorder) and since having this i've piled on weight despite not being a massively unhealthy eater but i've managed to clean up what i can, fruit, rice cakes etc. I was just wondering if anyone knew any good diet plans, low cal/fat snacks and the proportion i should be eating of Protein/Fat/Carbs per day? I'm currently 10 1/2 st and want to get back down to my norm of 9 1/2. Exercising can be very difficult for me on most days however I do do the minimum i.e walking the dog, shopping but was hoping to do this with dietary changes. and in the process of losing a little bit of weight i'd just like to become a bit healthier.

Thanks for any help :)