What gym to join



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    One thing I haven't seen anyone mention is location. If your gym isn't convenient for you to get to then you won't use it much. That's pretty important.



    If one of your choices is between your work and your home, or closer to home than the others, then go with that one.

    I also agree that if you can avoid a contract, that's a good idea.

    I used to belong to a gym that had all the "right" stuff...equipment, hours, classes, etc...but it was 20 minutes from my apartment (on a good day) and I had to take public transit....there were way too many days I didn't go because of the inconvenience of it.

    Now, I belong to a slightly less equipped gym a two minute walk away, and I go all the time.

    My 2 cents, anyways...
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    By the way, Planet Fitness is a joke. Any gym that sounds a "lunk alarm" because you grunt, drop a weight, do a deadlift or lift what is in their opinion too much weight doesn't deserve to be in business. I'm not a bodybuilder by any means, but that's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of.

    Whoah. I had never heard of Planet Fitness before this post even though there is one right around the corner from me. I just researched it and are they serious? They are calling themselves a gym? That's insane. Offering pizza, bagels, tootsie rolls??? How about apple slices and peanuts if you are going to offer stuff. And cancelling memberships on the spot for one wrong move? People ought to be afraid to do anything there. Do the treadmills have a max speed of 4.0 on them? That is just beyond belief.

    Edit to say: I belong to Lifetime Fitness and it is INCREDIBLE. I also have a membership to LA Fitness and it is good for convenince of location, but most of the ones i've been to generally have a bad (sweaty) smell to them (yes, I know, people are sweating in there). Lifetime is great in every aspect.