Help! My back hurts after squating!

Alright here's the pickle I'm in ... I squated 3 days ago and the very last rep of about 135 I did wrong because the day before wich was. Thursday I had given blood (actually I have double 2 pints) and I wasn't fully 100% ready to go ... So I squated and the last rep I actually arched my back and went up because I couldn't lift t up normally ... So now 3 day later it feels better because I she. Been applying heat and ice cuz idk what it is exactly ... It's better because on Saturday I couldn't even stand up right ....

I have a body building class at school and asked my teacher if I could take a break this whole week as in today-Friday and that's including the weekend .. To heal up .. Will this clear up for next Tuesday? (Tuesday is clean/jerk and squats)
Ps it's not exactly my spine because I have pin pointed the area it's a small area owed back but it's not exactly my spine it's like 1 inch to the right of the spine so it's not a sharp pain unless I start working out
I do feel uncomfortable sitting or standing for a long period of time .. If you recommend me wrap it with something over the course of the school day

And for those who ask -.- I am 18 I am graduating later this year (it bugs how people think I'm like 12 or somefin )


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    first of all can you please type a little more clearly- that was like torture to read.

    Secondly- You should see a doctor.

    Thirdly- you should rest.

    Fourthly- don't' lift on days you give blood.

    Fifthly- After almost every squat set I go hang on the pull up bars and relax my lower body and allow it to 'decompress' itself. YMMV but it feels really good.... not a doctor- just know what I and others do. Gives it a good relaxing- none impact stretch.

    But doctor- and rest. Two most important things.