If I burn around 500-650 calories 3 times a week...

...at the gym, would my activity level be 'Moderately active'?
I always underestimate these things out of fear of disappointment haha. So, would it? Lol x


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    what are you using to measure your burns?
  • MFP diary
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I would have said sedentary, if this the only activity you do. I consider myself sedentary, as my work involves sitting in front of a computer, so most of my day, although I do exercise after work. If I was working in a restaurant or building site for example, this is where I would consider myself active.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    If you are using MFP caloric intake you should set at sedentary or light active, depending on job, etc. Then log your exercise in the cardio section and eat those calories back.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Your activity level is nothing to do with your dedicated exercise if you are following the MFP method of eating back exercise calories.

    It's a setting to reflect your lifestyle and job. As your profile is locked you aren't giving many clues!!
    Are you a lumberjack or a coach potato?
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MFP diary

    in that case the burns are not going to be that accurate, i would set it at moderately active and only eat back like half of your exercise calories…this assumes you are using MFP method...
  • Thanks for the help, that is what I have done (to the person who suggested setting profile to sedentary then logging my exercise).

    And to whoever said I was sedentary, thank you for your help but I refuse to believe that, as I walk EVERYWHERE and do partake in intense workouts.

    I 'm looking at other weight loss calculators to see when I can achieve my goal weight and they're asking for activity levels, I didn't know whether to put lightly or moderately active.
  • ndj yeah i always measure my calorie burns by the numbers that come up on my cardio screens at the gym as they are more accurate. MFP can be so inaccurate as it says you can burn a high amount of calories after walking 2mph for a short amount of time which I find impossible to believe.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Well since you log your dedicated exercise time you would not include that in your activity level, otherwise you are double counting your calories and hurting your losses. Since you said you walk alot of places then you would probably be medium to high, if you have a pedomiter they outline 5,000+ steps as moderate activity and 10,000+ steps as high activity for the day, maybe that would give you a rough estimate?
  • 4legs okay I understand a little better now :) Thank you for that.

    I usually eat back half of the calories I burn and net at around 1100-1200 on big exercise days
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    set it to lightly active.

    burning 500-650 calories three times a week is great, but for me, the activity level according to this site (if you are entering and eating back your exercise calories) should not take your exercise into account. it takes your normal daily activity level into account.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    It sounds like you are doing fine, if you are not constantly starving and happy enough where you are then stay there. Make sure you get plenty of protein to try to maintain muscle mass as much as possible and keep the loss to your fat. Listen to your body, if you have a tough workout day and are super hungry the next day then you might need a little extra fuel.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I am quite active, but have my level set to sedentary so that I never struggle with whether to log my exercise or not.

    I have a desk job, but I do a fair bit of walking. I also have young kids and a two story house, so I'm always doing stairs Lol!

    If you log the majority of your exercise and eat the cals back... Sedentary is fine.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Thanks for the help, that is what I have done (to the person who suggested setting profile to sedentary then logging my exercise).

    And to whoever said I was sedentary, thank you for your help but I refuse to believe that, as I walk EVERYWHERE and do partake in intense workouts.

    I 'm looking at other weight loss calculators to see when I can achieve my goal weight and they're asking for activity levels, I didn't know whether to put lightly or moderately active.

    You are in danger of confusing two different methods - MFP activity level is nothing to do with your workouts. Your "walk everywhere" would be part of your activity setting (i.e. you would not log separately as exercise).

    However, if you go to other weight loss calculators that use TDEE then they are looking at ALL your day to day activity PLUS exercise.

    Either approach will work but you can't mix the two.
  • Fuax75
    Fuax75 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for the help, that is what I have done (to the person who suggested setting profile to sedentary then logging my exercise).

    And to whoever said I was sedentary, thank you for your help but I refuse to believe that, as I walk EVERYWHERE and do partake in intense workouts.

    I 'm looking at other weight loss calculators to see when I can achieve my goal weight and they're asking for activity levels, I didn't know whether to put lightly or moderately active.

    You are in danger of confusing two different methods - MFP activity level is nothing to do with your workouts. Your "walk everywhere" would be part of your activity setting (i.e. you would not log separately as exercise).

    However, if you go to other weight loss calculators that use TDEE then they are looking at ALL your day to day activity PLUS exercise.

    Either approach will work but you can't mix the two.

    Agreed and for even more accurate information you may want to get a heart rate monitor to record a more accurate calorie count. Just something to use while you are working out. I have found that MFP seriously over estimates calorie burn as it is base on the general population and not you personally.
  • Ladytrajedi
    Ladytrajedi Posts: 16 Member
    HRM is definitely the best solution......I got one last year and there is definitely a big difference in the accuracy of a HRM and MFP as far as calorie burn.....My weight loss has been way better and more steady since I got mine since I know with certainty how many calories I really should be eating