Diet question

When dieting is it important to eat on a schedule? Should I try and have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time everyday? Thanks for your help.


  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    It doesn't matter for weight loss - do what works for you. I eat three meals and two mini-meals and a post-workout snack, but everyone has their own preferences. You shouldn't be sitting around starving waiting until you can eat again IMHO.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Only if it helps you hit your other goals such as calories, protein, carbs, fats, vitamins and exercise.
  • jshay295
    jshay295 Posts: 110 Member
    woot , you just opened a can of worms with this question :P I'm sure you will have people debating back and forth shortly.

    I personally think it is a personal preference. If you're staying under your calorie goal, it doesnt matter if you eat breakfast at six a.m. or six p.m.

    For myself, I don't eat at specific times, but I do try to eat my meals in order...that is, I have breakfast, (sometimes a snack), lunch,snack, dinner, snack. I find it just helps me spread my calories evenly throughout the day and it stops me from getting random hunger pangs, and it also helps to curb random snacking, because I will tell myself, wait , you can't have another snack yet, you aren't really hungry and you haven't eaten a proper lunch yet!

    I'd suggest trying any [healthy] 'diet' for at least five consecutive days before you decide if it works for you or not. Good luck
  • When dieting is it important to eat on a schedule? Should I try and have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time everyday? Thanks for your help.

    I think it varies for each person -- you need to find what works for you. Some people can listen to their bodies and coincide. Me = whole different story! I tend to be an emotional eater / binger, so it's VERY important for myself to follow restrictions... aka, MFP's cal recommendations, eating within allotted time frames, etc.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    When dieting is it important to eat on a schedule? Should I try and have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time everyday? Thanks for your help.

    Can't see the exact timing being critical, you don't want to be too OCD about it.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    When dieting is it important to eat on a schedule? Should I try and have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time everyday? Thanks for your help.

    It's only important if it's important to you. If having a schedule helps you stay on track, then it's important. Otherwise, it is not.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    No, not really. Meaning, it won't make any difference in how you lose weight BUT it might help you psychologically.

    I've had inconsistent eating patterns in the past, like not eating until 2 in the afternoon sometimes. So it's helped me to prepare myself three square meals that I eat at the table on a fairly regular schedule. It was very awkward at first, but it's helped me regulate my appetite a bit... I'm appropriately hungry for each meal.
  • dburkhol
    dburkhol Posts: 10 Member
    Timing does not change calories in / calories out IF calories in don't change due to timing.

    I am much more likely to go off my diet game plan if I eat late, or skip a snack. JMHO.