Activtrax at the Y - Any other members use this?

Completed my 1st Activtrax workout last night with the trainer. To be honest, some of the stuff seemed easy and we even bumped up the weight on a few items. I was surprised by some of the stuff I did well and discouraged by others.

I knew when I started that my weakest is my upper arms/shoulders. Surprisingly, I did okay at the seated arm curl; I think picking up my kids over the years has helped with that, lol. We bumped the weight a bit and it was a struggle towards the end of the set. and it only had me down for one set. (the trainer said it was due to the amount of time I said I wanted to complete a work out in; only a few items had more than 1 set) And the Standing Lateral Raises with 5lb dumbbells; gotta work on that, was a bit wobbly and flail-ey.

But I was wrong. My PECS are the weakest. The Incline Chest Press -THAT sucker KILLS me. We only did 10lbs, 10 reps. And of course that was one of the ones it had me down for 2 sets. I was seriously thought I was going to cry. Is perhaps this a normal thing for woman, or is it just me and is it something I will get used to/better at? I used to take BodyPump, years ago, and did okay during the bench press tracks, but this machine was kickin' my *kitten*.

The other one I need watch out for is the seated leg extension. I had surgery on my right knee when I was a teenager and couldn't put a lot a weight on it. Which was fine because what we ended up using I definitely feeling the burn on, lol.

I just looked at what it has for my next workout and some of them items that we bumped up the weight (and input the new weight in the system), it still has the original, lighter weight. Does anyone else do this? I though it would take in the information we input and adjust my workouts to fit my abilities.


  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    I just started using this last week. Im in pretty good shape and have only done free weights before i joined the y, i havent been in a "gym" in over 15 years so some of these machines were new to me. I set mine at 4 day split/body strength 35-45min per workout. Ive had to adjust all my weights to a higher range and some of the exercises on machines i dont do i do them with free weights instead when i input my days routine i add all the exercises that i did that arent on program and put 0 on reps for the ones i dont do. Im hoping the"computer" will follow suit and give me more of what i want but only time will tell. Its kind of a pain but ill give it another week or so.