How did you get started on the HGC diet?

kalexander123 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am just curious? I have had a few co-workers do this diet on their own and a few have even ended up in the ER from passing out... For those of you who are being guided by your doctor.... Did you just ask your Doctor to put you on it? Or was it brought to you? I don't think my current Doc would go for this.... she is the work hard, eat right kind. How would you recommend finding a Doc that would work with you?

I just think I would be more comfortable doing it supervised.



  • What is the HGC diet?
  • @jessebreanne

    i really hope its not what is described here :(
  • I feel that anything besides the eat right, exercise very regularly, and get plenty of sleep method is the safest and most sustainable way to live. No magic pills, no starving yourself, no "cleanse" gimmicks, and no surgery unless you are about to die. I have done lots of diets and lost 30-40 lbs but end up gaining it all back and then some. Again, unless you are about to die, the slower you loose the weight the safer and better. All the studies I have read say that those who loose no more than 1-2 lbs week or less (after the water weight is lost) have the highest stats for keeping it off the rest of their lives. Remember, it is about changing your lifestyle and habits, not about "dieting." You cannot "diet" for the rest of your life but you can change your food and exercise habits to give you that slow, controlled, and sustainable wight loss.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am just curious? I have had a few co-workers do this diet on their own and a few have even ended up in the ER from passing out... For those of you who are being guided by your doctor.... Did you just ask your Doctor to put you on it? Or was it brought to you? I don't think my current Doc would go for this.... she is the work hard, eat right kind. How would you recommend finding a Doc that would work with you?

    I just think I would be more comfortable doing it supervised.


    I am being directed by my doctor and she brought it up to me every visit for the past 4 months. I finally decided to give it a try and I am glad I did............

    I am on my second round and I have lost almost 30 pounds so far. I am slow loser due to having Thyroid issues, hormonal issues.

    It is working to line out my hormones as I didn't have a TOM for way over a year and it has came 2 months in a row now.

    My doctor gave me a prescription for the HCG, mixing kit and the insulin syringes. I went to the pharmacy and picked it up and then began that same day.............

    You are not starving yourself as others have stated. What it does is mobilize your abnormal fat stores and burns them for calories. Therefore your body is getting way more than the 500 calories you are eating per day. I am losing inches like crazy and I love it!!! Seems that I am just melting away............

    Also, I have been able to maintain the loss from the first round with little or no effort and that is a GRAND feat for me, especially having thyroid issues.

    This plan is EASY, yet is hard to stick with. You have to want to stick with it and be very dedicated. Anyone that thinks this plan is an "easy way out" is sadly mistaken.
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    I would never recommend anything other than eating healthy and working out. Too many people are looking for the "easy" way out and it RARELY ever works. And if it works, it isn't lasting.

    My motto...we didn't get fat overnight, we aren't going to get skinny overnight. Do the work and appreciate the results. But work to be healthy, not skinny.
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    This plan is EASY, yet is hard to stick with. You have to want to stick with it and be very dedicated. Anyone that thinks this plan is an "easy way out" is sadly mistaken.

    I'm sorry but....blah blah blah. Eating healthy and working out takes dedication too. Why not do this the healthy way? The natural way? HGC is synthetic or pig hormones and IS NOT natural.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Hot hot topic here . . . Im of the "work hard and do it right by changing your lifestyle so you are not on a DIET so you can sustain this for life" group.
    I truly beleive that these companies are in it for the money, they don't care at all for your health, they ultimately care about their bottom line. So if you ask me step #1 would be to take out your wallet.
    Anyone that tells you a magic shot or pill and eating a mere 500 calories a day will "burn your fat stores" like a miracle has sold out to their amazing promotion campaign . . . common sense tells you that is just not healthy to sustain. Some people just have to have that quick results kick start I guess to help their motivation, but are you treating your body with respect this way?
    Im eating healthy and completely "clean" and have steadily lost 2 pounds per week since I became dedicated to it. I would prefer to treat my body like a temple instead of a science experiment personally.
    This can be done in a healthy way.
  • tinasullens
    tinasullens Posts: 203 Member
    I feel that anything besides the eat right, exercise very regularly, and get plenty of sleep method is the safest and most sustainable way to live. No magic pills, no starving yourself, no "cleanse" gimmicks, and no surgery unless you are about to die. I have done lots of diets and lost 30-40 lbs but end up gaining it all back and then some. Again, unless you are about to die, the slower you loose the weight the safer and better. All the studies I have read say that those who loose no more than 1-2 lbs week or less (after the water weight is lost) have the highest stats for keeping it off the rest of their lives. Remember, it is about changing your lifestyle and habits, not about "dieting." You cannot "diet" for the rest of your life but you can change your food and exercise habits to give you that slow, controlled, and sustainable wight loss.

    Amen to this! Spoken like someone who has lived it and is living it. I applaud you!! Kudos!
  • JillTwiss
    JillTwiss Posts: 139 Member
    From what I've read, it sounds like another dangerous fad. It's a get-rich scheme for whoever thought of it. Those of use who are unhappy with our weight are easy targets because a lot of us are willing to risk just about anything to get thin.

    Common sense says that unless you change your lifestyle, you will not change for the long run. You may lose weight in the short-term on diets like this, but the only thing that is truly going to make you healthy and keep you that way is eating healthy foods and getting physical exercise. Period.

    I'm sorry, but I would never try something that caused people I know to end up in the hospital. I'd rather be overweight and alive than skinny but dead.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    This plan is EASY, yet is hard to stick with. You have to want to stick with it and be very dedicated. Anyone that thinks this plan is an "easy way out" is sadly mistaken.

    I'm sorry but....blah blah blah. Eating healthy and working out takes dedication too. Why not do this the healthy way? The natural way? HGC is synthetic or pig hormones and IS NOT natural.

    I am taking natural HCG extracted from pregnant women's urine.

    Look, I know how to eat properly. It doesn't work for me due to medical issues I have. My doctor has me on this and it works.

    I refuse to argue with people that don't understand how this works and don't even try to understand and educate themselves. I have better things to do than to argue with people that want to call a plan that has been around since the 1950's a fad.

    Geeeesh, give all the bashing a rest all ready.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    From what I've read, it sounds like another dangerous fad. It's a get-rich scheme for whoever thought of it. Those of use who are unhappy with our weight are easy targets because a lot of us are willing to risk just about anything to get thin.

    Common sense says that unless you change your lifestyle, you will not change for the long run. You may lose weight in the short-term on diets like this, but the only thing that is truly going to make you healthy and keep you that way is eating healthy foods and getting physical exercise. Period.

    I'm sorry, but I would never try something that caused people I know to end up in the hospital. I'd rather be overweight and alive than skinny but dead.

    I am sorry, but you are very mistaken. The Simeons protocol is far from a fad plan. Dr Simeons is way dead and gone, so no getting rich.

    Obviously you are uneducated about this plan. Dr Simeons thoroughly researched this plan from the 1940's and into the 1950's and administered the plan in clinics in Italy.

    Since HCG is a natural occurring hormone, none of the companies can patent it, so of course the FDA won't endorse it............

    The MDs could probably do well with prescribing HCG to their patients. There's plenty of interest in successful weight loss programs. It's the pharmaceutical companies that wouldn't. It's a natural product and thus not patentable. They can't make a profit from it. From what I understand, the studies that the FDA used to determine that the protocol didn't work were rigged to fail. They did not follow the protocol exactly. Since there's no profit in HCG, there is little motivation to do the fancy studies that the FDA requires for approval of a treatment. There is plenty of motivation to create a study that will show that it is not effective. I suspect that is what was done. I will be publishing my results in my blog and will begin shortly. Even though my experience is really anecdotal since it is not part of some double-blind study, it does show that the diet has been phenomenally effective for me. I wanted others to be able to see that this can indeed work for them
  • Regardless which side of the issue one chooses to take, my opinion is this:

    I choose HCG and am still learning how to eat/exercise properly. I have been maintaining for 53 days. I cannot tell you what will happen two years from now and neither can anyone else.

    It matters, not how you get where you are going, but what you do when you get there.

    Lose it fast. Lose it slow. If we don't learn to eat/exercise properly, we end up right where we started.
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