Introducing myself

So I am new to this, never had at use a diet or anything before to loose weight, but since I had my son 4 years ago I have been fluxuating between 160lbs and 130lbs non-stop.
Before my son I could eat anything and everything and not have to worry about much, but not the case anymore and being a single mom and working a full-time job it doesn't leave alot of room to do much activity anymore.
After about a year and a half or struggling to loose the extra "baby weight", I finally got to my ultimate goal weight of 128lbs - a women of 5'3" my doctor said that was my "healthy weight" - but in March of 2013, I fell pretty bad while out walking and dislocated my left elbow. Now I am limited to what excerise I can do because of my arm and I am struggling. Since the accident I have gained about 20lbs. None of my clothes fit anymore amd it's taken a huge toll on my self-esteem.
I guess I am just looking for a supportive way to get back to my goal weight with help in healthy recipes and ideas that is not only for myself but that my son will enjoy as well. I am not the greatest of cooks either so I do tend to just grab on the go a lot which I know is a habit I need to break.
Thanks for reading my story and I look forward to see if this helps me :smile: