Do you get cold more easily now you've lost weight?



  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I do feel cold when I am fasting...
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    After my first attempt to lose weight where I got all the way down to 70kg (granted my starting point was 78 at the time), I noticed I got really cold in the winter. But worse, I put all that weight back on and then surplus, and I STILL feel cold in the winter!

    But then my blood pressure is also so low as to be in the double digits for the top number....
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    When I was at around 125lbs, I'm thinking that was PERFECT for me, I never noticed the cold this much. I'm super cold all the time now...
  • Mzcotton78
    Mzcotton78 Posts: 11
    I doubt in the beginning it's the "insulation lost". I've only restarted my diet 3 days ago and I'm freezing. I'm pretty sure 3 days of weight loss isn't enough insulation loss/fat loss to be attributed to the same science as whale blubber. I still think the theory of a revved up metabolism making you feel slightly colder holds water. Now if I'm reporting 20+ pounds of fat lost maybe that would make sense.