Shaun T vs Tony Horton Challenge Group

I'm starting a challenge group for March 3rd. It's a group for either (T25 or p90x3) and shakeology. We will focus on fitness/exercise/nutrition/and support!! Everyone in the challenge group interacts with each other and talks about how their workouts are going, sharing successes, results, struggles, questions and everything in between. Both programs are 30 minutes or less each day. The time for 1 sitcom. I actually am missing part of one leg and am able to do T25 so I know anyone can do this program. Lots of modifications.

I am hoping to drop 2 lbs a week. This is MORE than doable but want to stay conservative.
So pick your poison, Shaun T or Tony Horton and Let's Do this.
I picked March so we have plenty of time for those that may not have their programs yet to get them.

I have a facebook group setup to help us. "TeamSharkBite" or you can message me here for more info.
I also have info in my profile.


  • Oh, this sounds like EXACTLY what I need. March is perfect too as I am traveling for work for a week in February. I'll send you a friend request.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    HI ALL!!
    I'm starting a challenge group for March 3rd. It's a group for either (T25 or p90x3) and shakeology. We will focus on fitness/exercise/nutrition/and support!! Everyone in the challenge group interacts with each other and talks about how their workouts are going, sharing successes, results, struggles, questions and everything in between. Both programs are 30 minutes or less each day. The time for 1 sitcom. I actually am missing part of one leg and am able to do T25 so I know anyone can do this program. Lots of modifications.

    I am hoping to drop 2 lbs a week. This is MORE than doable but want to stay conservative.
    So pick your poison, Shaun T or Tony Horton and Let's Do this.
    I picked March so we have plenty of time for those that may not have their programs yet to get them.

    I have a facebook group setup to help us. "TeamSharkBite" or you can message me here for more info.
    I also have info in my profile.

    Can I do the challenge without Shakeology, since Shakeologly is crappy and overpriced?
  • Count me in... This sounds like fun. I actually like the Shakeology... and it will cost me less that the $4 to $5 I am spending at breakfast now. But a fair question do we have to do Shakeology?
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Acg67, you do not have to use Shakeology if you do not like it. You are welcome to do the Challenge Group without it. The group is more about getting into shape and sharing what works or doesn't work for people. If the Shakes don't work for you then by all means don't drink them. I would not call them crappy IMHO. I thought they were pricey too when I first looked at them but then when I compared them to what I was spending on breakfast plus the supplements I was adding they actually came out cheaper. I also didn't really start losing weight until I started drinking them.

    But no, there is NO requirement to drink Shakeology for the Challenge group.
  • zebes99
    zebes99 Posts: 6 Member
    I was already planning on starting P90X3 on March 3rd! I want to be a part of this group!
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    We have a number of folks starting today, but I have also had a number of folks that can't start til the 10th and some not until the 24th. This is cool. We have a very friendly and flexible group. We try and plan some of the start weeks but we also have folks starting almost every Monday. My husband will be starting T25 on 3-10. So please don't feel locked in to an EXACT date. Also if you are not sure which one you want to do I can help with that too. Just send me a message. Both are 30 minutes (or less) a day.
  • frankieags
    frankieags Posts: 21 Member
    Started P90x3 Feb 10th. Lost just under 4lbs to date. Entering my 4th week of workouts. LOVE them! It's high intensity training at it's finest. I looked at T25, and I find that it's more cardio based, whereas P90x3 is a bit of everything, both muscle mass and cardio. Great core workouts nonetheless and can't go wrong with any of them. Shakeology is great tasting. Yes a bit pricey, but it all depends what you are used to spending on that meal of the day. Don't get me wrong, I'm currently looking at alternatives as well. Want to compare them with GNC's or idealshape MRPs.

    Good luck to all that is taking this challenege!
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    Yeah as frankeiags said about the Shakeology it depends on what your are spending your money on anyway. I kind of gasped at the price at first too but then realized I was spending $3-$5 at the cafeteria for krap food at my cafeteria. I have 5 or 6 recipes that I really like with the Shakes and it only takes a few minutes to make. Love the Tirimisu with the Vanilla. Yummm. I like to alternate the T25 and the P90x3 just because they are a bit different. Others will hybrid them together. Plus we even have a new program that not only has 30 minute workouts but also shows you EXACTLY what to eat and how much of it. So there is something for everyone.
  • Steph_B_
    Steph_B_ Posts: 38 Member
    Can I join this group? I started P90X3 on March 3rd. Can't believe 7 days down. Feels good.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    I'm doing a rotation of T25, and P90X3, and Les Mills Combat.......probably the 3 best BB workouts out there IMO.