Spring Renewal Detox Challenge

Hi everyone!

So I posted this information on my Website and on Instagram so please message me if you want those links as I don't want to put them in here. (Forgot about links and promotional rules) :wink:

This Detox Challenge will take place between March 1-31st and is intended to detox you inside and out!

The first 12 days is an internal detox challenge that can be customized to your needs and lifestyle but the main intention is to detox yourself internally.

For example, the first 12 days of my detox will be 3 3-day Nutribullet Smoothie Detoxes with one day off in between to eat regular clean food as I will need some added energy for my Tang Soo Do training. Accompanied with that, I will be using Garden of Life's Herbal D-tox that will cleanse my body of any impurities. The Herbal D-tox kit is intended to last 12 days.

Now, you don't have to follow my plan to a T as I know that this does not fit every lifestyle. But you can detox in less intensive ways like drinking only water as your beverage of choice (along with eating of course) to flush your system, you can also flush your system by just eating fresh, clean foods and avoiding cheat meals. Or you can be even more intense than I am and do a full 12-day fast/detox but I would highly advise that you use a Nutrilbullet as opposed to a Juicer since you lose all the substance and fiber of fruits and vegetables when you juice.

Days 13-31 will be a heavy hitting 7 day fitness cycle (6 days on, one active rest day) with one of those days being a longer cardio day, 2-3 days a week of strength training circuits and 2-3 days a week of focus cardio whether it’s dancing, rock climbing or in my case, Tang Soo Do. My nutrition throughout these days will be small-portioned, clean, protein packed meals 5-6 times a day allowing continued energy to fuel me.

I think that this is a great challenge to begin the new Season and since Spring is the Renewal Season, why don't we renew ourselves. As I said, this challenge can be customized for your needs as you should be FIT AND HEALTHY FOR YOU. I will be using my Instagram account @msmurdermonroe as a support system and anyone who wants to be apart of this challenge will tag their update photos with the hashtag #detoxroxxx! Also, I will be starting a Support Group and will have support on my website of course.

Finally, I'm not sure if you guys know about DietBet but I thought that if anyone in this challenge wanted to earn money in their weight loss efforts, I can create a DietBet Challenge Group as well. Very fast, Diet bet is a website in which you can create "weight loss games", you put up money (between $10 and $25) and you put it in a "pot" with the other members of the challenge. One game is called "DietBet4" in which you have 30 days to lose 4% of your body weight (at a healthy rate) and if you achieve that goal, the people who have achieved those goals share in the pot. The website is called DietBet and I discovered it yesterday. Looks cool but search it on Google to do your own research. :smile:

If you have any questions of course, the comment section works great. I think that this is a great way to start spring.

Good luck with your journeys!