57 married female giving this a try!

I cannot seem to drop any of the extra 50 pounds I've put on since going through multiple breast cancer reconstruction surgeries in 2011/2012!

I never counted calories before but nothing else seems to be working. I gave my fitness pal a try the other day and COULDN'T believe how many calories I was consuming while I thought I was eating very sensibly! HA!!

I'm not currently working and only exercising in fits and starts. My husband retired a year ago . . . . there is a lot of sitting around watching TV happening! We spent a good deal of last year remodeling our kitchen. I completed my master's degree in 2012 in hopes of starting a new career but am finding it difficult to get a job. I'm doing lots of volunteering and networking but apparently not enough!

I'm on day three . . . .my biggest problem is that I soon get bored of any routine. Once it loses it initial curiosity, BORING!!

I love to cook and enjoy being creative in the my NEW kitchen, so I hope that will help me stay on track. Using these forums will definitely help me stay motivated IF I can find my niche and buddies!!

My husband has always been trim, seems to be able to eat whatever he wants but he doesn't come close to eating as much as I do, if I'm being honest about it! He eats to live while sometimes I live to eat and definitely eat in the evening out of boredom & some mild anxiety.

Kathy / Everett, WA


    AHASRADA Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome, Kathy! Good for you for taking this step to lose weight and improve your health.

    Just a few comments/suggestions based on your post:

    1. MFP is a wonderful tool, the support network is amazing, but it can't lose the weight for you. If you are committed, log your food honestly and accurately and become more active, it will work.

    2. About the becoming more active part, I highly recommend getting some sort of activity tracker (I love my Fitbit!) but even just a cheap pedometer, something that will make it clear how sedentary you are and push you to get off your behind! Just as you couldn't believe how many calories you were eating until you logged them, you won't believe how little you are moving until you measure it.

    3. Eating at a deficit doesn't mean getting into a boring routine (unless you want to!). You can still cook interesting meals, you just need to be mindful of the ingredients and portion size. MFP has a recipe builder where you can input all the ingredients and it will give you the nutritional info. for each serving. Use it and log it!

    4. Since you will have to eat smaller portions of your favorite foods, find lower-calorie options you can add to fill out your meal that will fill you up, especially veggies! I have a steamer bag full of broccoli every day (about 5 cups) with my lunch, and the "main course" becomes the side dish.

    5. If you need help finding healthy, yummy recipes, there are tons online! If you are on Pinterest, just search for something like "healthy recipes", and you will be set for life! A lot of people here like Skinny Taste; it's a good place to start.

    6. Boredom does not equal "quitting", it equals "change something". The weight loss journey can become tedious and tiring at times, and we are tempted to go back to our old ways. Set clearly in your mind why this is not an option. If there is something you don't like about your weight loss approach, change it, but don't give up.

    Best of luck on your journey!
  • tdh115
    tdh115 Posts: 52
    Hi Kathy and welcome,

    Ahasrada have given you excellent advice. I use the Bodymedia, instead of the fitbit and I love it. But I agree with Ahasrada you do not have to invest in something pricey. You just need something that shows you how little you are moving. I work a desk job and even though I thought I got up and moved around all day, I was shocked to see how little I moved. It is ok to start with babysteps, just get up and move, start with getting up and walking around the house 1 every hour. As you become more comfortable add things and when you are ready tackle a workout.

    MFP is a great place full of positive supportive people. I am sure you will find your niche.

    I am here daily, although I don't have time to comment on every friends post each day. If all is going well I usually just like the post most days, but if someone is struggling or has questions, I make sure to make time to answer. In return they are there for me when I need them.

    Come join us thru this journey, tougher we are stronger and healthier.