Operation wedding!

So I think it's only right that I give a bit of a background of who I am and what my journey has been so far.
A tubby child, I was who soon grew up to be a tubby adult. Joy. After yo yo dieting I almost gave up hope, resigned to the possibility that at some point in the not so distant future I would be the topic of conversation over many twitter and Facebook accounts following my own "half ton daughter" debut on channel who 4, what 4, you 4, e4.

That didn't happen- I found cambridge weight plan and gradually my 20 stone frame became 13 stone which for my height wasn't too bad at all. The end? Not quite.

I soon slipped back into old eating habits. Picking at anything and everything. I could though, because I'd lost the weight. I was acceptable in society and in my own mind. But unless you're cautious, the weight finds you again. It found me. Like a child playing man hunt, I thought it was well concealed until the tell tail signs started to become obvious.

Tight clothes.
Cottage cheese thighs
Thread veins
Flabby belly

Oh, and chins (plural) can't forget those.

I'm getting married in August so after much debate, I'm joining the cambridge diet again after my previous triumph in 2009. Day one complete and I feel marvelous. I lie.

But I know it's all going to be worth while. 5 stone to lose until those bells ring.

Support welcome (needed)

Good luck on your journeys. Xx


  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    Well first of all that's very exciting you're getting married! I really don't know much about the Cambridge weight plan so I'll look it up after, but I just want to point out as some others likely will too, that is 70lb (5 stone) loss achievable by august? Probably. Is it a good idea? Mfp recommends a loss of no more than 2lbs a week at most, so 8 lbs a month...I know it's your wedding and you want to look great but it may be best to aim a bit lower, 50-60 lbs would be a great accomplishment by that time. If you lose faster you may be more likely to get burnt out along the way, feel deprived or even gain it back afterwards. I'm not saying you will for sure but just keep in mind most here will advocate losing slow and steady. I personally can't wait to be rid of this weight but I want to do it in the most healthy way possible.
    I wish you luck, feel free to add me I try to be a positive (but realistic) support. :)

    *edit for typo.
  • phillrn
    phillrn Posts: 338 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!!! wishing you much success :)