Feeling exhausted

Hi, all:
I have been working on losing weight for a little over 2 years. I am wanting to continue, but I just get a little tired of watching what I eat and working out all the time. I know I am an happier and healthier, but sometimes it feels like can I really get these last 20 some odd pounds off? kind words or suggestions appreciated; I know we all hit mental slumps with our program.


  • mgorham13
    mgorham13 Posts: 168 Member
    Try to remember why you started. Join a fitness challenge or take a new class at the gym, start a new weight lifting program . Take a week off completely from logging or exercising and just chill. Anything that you can do to come back with a renewed or greater enthusiasm. Look back on how far you've come and celebrate it.

    When you do come back ask yourself am I just gonna watch what I eat or am I going to log everything I put in my body? There is a bg difference. Analyze your workouts when was the last time you really pushed yourself? If you have been, can you push more? Finally I would break those last 20lbs or so down into 5lb mini goals.

    That's all I got I wish you the best of luck
  • MensEtSalvere2013
    MensEtSalvere2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Thank you and congrats on your 87 pound weight loss that is inspirational :)
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I took a break for a few weeks over the holidays. I continued to log, but my goal was to eat what I felt like and see if I could avoid gaining weight. I put on about a pound in three weeks, which isn't too bad given how cold and snowy it was in my in-laws' city (in western Michigan). I felt like I was starting afresh when I got home in January.

    I'm going on a 2-week business trip next month, and I plan to take a break then, too; I might log my food, though I'll be eating out a lot, so I might just try to eat sensibly and see what happens.

    As long as you restrain any impulse to binge or to eat without thinking about it, you won't gain much fat, if any, over a 2-week break. Your weight might go up a few pounds as you replenish muscle glycogen (which is stored with 4 times its weight in water), but you'll lose that again quickly once you get back on your plan.

    Good luck!
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    I know getting to where you want to be does become more difficult the closer you get to your goal. I can't remember how many years I've been trying for myself, 3 stone last year 2 the year before and before that ............... each one was a different one which was something. underlying issues. May to late September seem to be when it happens for me................. I can admit to being tired too.

    Why not try changing things about a bit, some may say at 20 lb off it is too soon to try maintenance but you could try and see what happens. I have read that for some people increasing their calorie allowance actually creates more of a loss. Others have found benefits in changing the amount and variety of exercise they do also helps.

    All the very best as you reach towards your goal and better health
  • SusanL222
    SusanL222 Posts: 585 Member
    OP.....good for you for sticking with your program for 2 years. I have only been on MFP for a few months, however, I'm trying to see this as my new way of life rather than a program....and I know that I may struggle with that down the road because I just want things to be easy, etc, etc. So, if you feel as though you need a break from logging and you are disciplined enough to know that you will come back to it.....go ahead and take that break! Or find other ways to shake up your routine. I took a quick look at your diary and if you are logging everything you eat, you may be feeling exhausted bc you are not eating enough. Try getting some more good fats, protein and veggies in your diet. I find that a good ultra B12 vitamin helps me with low energy.

    The MFP open group, Eat, Train, Progress has some really good motivational posts pinned on their boards. Maybe you are ready to add more weights to your workouts or a class with music that makes you happy. I love Zumba, for instance, which makes me look forward to going to the gym!

    I wish you the best of luck with the rest of your journey! And congrats on your dedication to this point!! Well done!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: