Any ladies lost weight on their monthly?

Just curious to know if anyone ever manages to loose weight when it's that dreaded time of the month ? No matter how careful I am I always gain a few pound that can stick around for up to 10 if your dieting does anyone actually manage to still loose any weight ?


  • cerulence
    cerulence Posts: 14 Member
    I believe you're still losing but your body keeps water during those times. I usually only see the result of my weight loss 2/3 days after. (but i did lose weight, to answer your question).
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I normally gain 3-5pounds during that time but 2or3days after it passes I loose that bloat and if I`m working on loosing I have lost some as well. ( I just came off maintaining threw the holiday season )
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I believe you're still losing but your body keeps water during those times. I usually only see the result of my weight loss 2/3 days after. (but i did lose weight, to answer your question).


    I was on my period last week. I weighed 145.8. It ended Friday. I weighed myself today and I was 143. So obviously I didnt "lose" almost 3 lbs in 3 days ... especially when I went over my calories on Sunday.

    You just retain water. Weigh yourself during your period then a few days after and you can guesstimate how many LBS to not worry about during that time. It will come off at the end of it :)
  • x7xemilyx7x
    x7xemilyx7x Posts: 22 Member
    I weighed myself around my TOM (up to a week before) and the scale didn't move at all until about 3 days into it where I lost 2 pounds. I was frustrated but continued because I know it's just water weight.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    I find that I am always carrying extra weight right before I start....then once I do...back to normal.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I normally gain 3-5pounds during that time but 2or3days after it passes I loose that bloat and if I`m working on loosing I have lost some as well. ( I just came off maintaining threw the holiday season )

    This. I gain up to 2 weeks before, then lose after.
  • weewdy
    weewdy Posts: 39
    Yes I lost 4 lbs my last TOM, which was a big surprise to me, I honestly thought I would have put on.
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    Usually I gain but I was surprised to find that last month I gained about 4lbs at the beginning but the next day I was back down to my regular weight which was really exciting lol. I came off and lost 3.3lbs! I have it now and I'm a pound heavier than I was last time I weighed myself so I'm hoping for another decent loss! :)
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    Yes, I lose but I don't like it :grumble:

    All I want is chocolate and cake in massive portions and to also lose weight. Is that too much to ask for?

    ETA: I lose, but I don't see the loss until after my period is over. I hold onto the water weight, the scale goes up or stays the same (sometimes it goes down), and then I see a drop.
  • I believe you're still losing but your body keeps water during those times. I usually only see the result of my weight loss 2/3 days after. (but i did lose weight, to answer your question).

    THIS for sure. I always 'gain' 3 or so pounds from bloat, ickyness, etc, and then 'magically' drop it all, plus whatever I might have lost during that time because of my eating habits!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I was actually losing during my periods, but it turns out I was losing enough hemoglobin to become anemic! Aack. So after lots of tests for a bleeding ulcer, etc, and starting on awful, high-dose iron it comes down to my long, mean periods. Actually losing weight during might be a bad sign, I'd say ;)
  • QueenShadowrama
    QueenShadowrama Posts: 5 Member
    As far as I'm concerned, periods are the Upsidedown Land of weight loss. Nothing makes sense. I've had periods where I stay the same. I've had periods where I supposedly gained an absurd amount that disappeared as soon as it was over. Sometimes the weight stays on for a week or so after it's over. My period started yesterday and I lost a pound at my weekly weigh in today, and I'm only calculated to lose 1/2 a pound a week.

    Don't try to make sense of your period. She is a cruel and confusing mistress.

    Just log your food and exercise. Your body will figure it out eventually. :-P