NSV's! (Non Scale Victories)....

For newbies: What NSV's are you most looking forward to?

For those who are well along on their weight loss journey/maintaining: What NSV were you most looking forward to and/or were there any NSV's you didn't expect but were great?

For me (aside from the obvious like pants fitting better etc.) I look forward to wrapping a towel around me again :bigsmile:


  • silverdawnhawk
    silverdawnhawk Posts: 32 Member
    I've been very focused on specific areas changing. One area I forgot about was my shoulders. I used to be a synchro swimmer and lifeguard before I went to university for comp sci and got lazy beyond belief. So it never actually occurred to me that I'd lost the definition in my shoulders. Now every time I walk past my medicine cabinet mirror I can't stop myself from admiring the returning definition... Even though I'm not seeing nearly as much in my "trouble areas".

    As for what I'm looking forward to - dropping pant sizes. I had to take my belt down a notch this morning and almost giggled with relief!

    Edit for phone autocorrect of doom
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I was most looking forward to climbing hills faster on my bike. As I lost weight, I set a number of personal records last summer and fall, though some of that was due to training as well as weight loss.

    Other NSVs that have been good: fitting into old clothes that I had saved in the back of the closet, including the sport coat I bought in Dec. 2005 that was really too tight back then and now fits me loosely. Starting up the Couch-to-5K program again and finding that my knees no longer complain in the middle of the second week.

    The one I didn't expect was when I posted on Facebook, on my 1-year anniversary on MFP, that I had lost 45 lb. A friend who had met me only at the beginning of December commented that I had seemed trim when we met. That was a great compliment!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    I posted my NSV when I realized my towels went all around me :smile: Funny how you don't notice when they stop reaching all the way around - we just blame it on the dryer!

    The NSV I remember the most was the point where I could sit on the seats on the bus and fit without being squished or uncomfortable.