Up band and Pact App

I recently purchased an Up band and use the app daily to track sleep, calories burnt (or daily steps, 10,000 min. is my goal) and to track food. If you use and like Up band I am looking for more "teammates" on the app to join me and keep me motivated. Send me a request at gjcricket2004@gmail.com

I also use Pact app which used to be known as Gym pact, and have pacts for a gym pact, food logging pact, and veggie/ fruit pacts. I love how this app has evolved to account for healthy eating not just workouts.

Just curious who else uses these resources and what you like/don't like. I think maybe with the newness of them in my life I am placing too much importance on using them everyday. I know that at the very least I am driving my husband crazy with my new obsession over them.
