T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team.... Starting again



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    WHOOOHOOO!!! I did it, I finally did something. My back hurt just a little bit, but not to the point that I could not walk or job. It felt really good to work hard and sweat. My quads were really sore when I was done. I even ate good all day. One AWESOME day in the books.

    Have a beautiful weekend everybody. Glad to be back in the game again. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    JJ - I hope your training is going well. I am using INSANITY and yes - Shawn T is very motivating. This is the first time I have ever done an in-home workout video. I have been so accustomed to "going to the gym."

    Honestly, i always thought of the at home work videos as things for women. But I had heard so many positive things about it I had to try it. it is awsome! Now I have to re-think all of my other prejudices (LOL!).

    I am even looking forward to getting home to tonight and hitting another dvd. Anyway, thanks for the support. By 9/30 I expect to be at 209 lbs. so feel free to keep pushing me.

    I wish everyone success! Do not forget your goals especially with the weekend coming up. Stay focused. If you are looking for a work out plan, I definitely recommend the beachbody products especially INSANITY.

    Take care


    Maybe when you get done with Insanity you can try P90X. It is also an amazing workout. Tony Horton is a great and motivating instructor. Of course, Shaun T. is coming out with Insanity Asylum soon, so you may like that better. If you decide you want to start toning, I highly recommend P90X.

    You can do this and we are all here for you to get you there. I have no doubt you will make your goal for 9/30. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thank you everyone for the support. Getting healthy can be hard to do, but with you guys to look to for support and motivation makes all the difference. I am ready for whatever is thrown at me. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    YOU GO GIRL!!! WOOT WOOT!!! :bigsmile:
  • profjan6
    Ok can someone fill me in on Zumba? What exactly is it, and how do you like it if you do it? I'm getting curious after hearing about it for a year now! Any insight would be appreciated!
  • kelseyleigh30
    Zumba is Latin dancing. It is very aerobic and keeps you moving nonstop. Most of it is pretty fast paced, but it makes working out a ton of fun. A lot of people like taking Zumba classes. I prefer to do the DVD's. I don't have the time to go to a class, so I can do it on my own time at home. It really is a blast, and from what I hear from those that go to classes, they all love it.

    I am excited that Saturday is almost over and I have done great. Last weekend was a losing battle, so my main goal for the week was to keep on track during the weekend. I don't know what clicked in my head, but I have not had one craving or moment of weakness in the past week. I am so determined and focused to get healthy. I don't even know how many people I have told about MFP in the past week. I am just so excited.

    I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    WHOOOHOOO!!! I did it, I finally did something. My back hurt just a little bit, but not to the point that I could not walk or job. It felt really good to work hard and sweat. My quads were really sore when I was done. I even ate good all day. One AWESOME day in the books.

    Have a beautiful weekend everybody. Glad to be back in the game again. :bigsmile:

    YAY!!! Congrats! Glad you got a good workout in without much pain. :0)
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    No workout today, outside of pulling weeds in the front yard and scrubbing the giant oil spill off my driveway. LOL
    It was a yucky rainy, humid day so I did get pretty sweaty out there and at least I got something accomplished.

    Doing good on food too. Hit happy hour with some friends last night and had a good, healthy meal.... off to log my days! I havent been on since yesterday morning. :0)

    Hope everyone else is having a great weekend.
  • profjan6
    thanks for the zumba info kait. it sounds like fun! maybe i will get a dvd and try it at home. i am so uncoordinated! it should be kind of funny to see how i do.
    hope everyone is having a good weekend and staying within their goals. so far i've done ok. the weather is just beautiful, so i've been hanging outside a lot.
    i admire all of you who work out and exercise so regularly. i still find all the excuses not to, but i push myself to do at least something! be well!
  • Cheilsea
    Cheilsea Posts: 84 Member
    Hey everyone! I would love to join in. I just joined MFP yesterday.

    My name is Cheilsea and I'm a Marine wife. I'm married to a super great guy who is currently deployed and would really like to lose some weight before he gets home again. My current weight is 163 and my goal is 125 but I would be so happy just to get in the 130's. I'm 5'2" so I'm overweight for my height and I feel so much better when I'm at a lower weight. I love anything outdoors and am pretty active. I love Billy Blanks and Tae Bo, pilates, yoga (a lot of at home work outs) and I am just starting to run again. I'm super excited I found this website and am looking forward to getting to know you all!!!
  • kelseyleigh30
    Welcome Cheilsea. You are definitely in the right place!

    I went to the movies today and instead of getting my regular popcorn and candy, I ordered a large water and snuck in a healthy snack. (Shhhh... don't tell!) My weekend has been a success and I am glad tomorrow is Monday. I do better with a little structure. Glad everyone had a good weekend!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hi all! I'd like to join this page as well. Cheilsea, I totally get where you're coming from. I moved to a new state about a year ago and have had a very hard time getting to know people. I moved with my boyfriend and I feel like we've become hermits! It also doesn't help that I work an overnight shift so I sleep during the day. I work as an emergency communications dispatcher, so its 10 hours of being at a desk, and at times can be super stressful. In the year I've worked there I've packed 20 MORE pounds onto my already overweight body. Enough is enough. I started seeing a nutriotist a few weeks ago and she got me signed up on this site. I really feel different about it this time. It may sound weird, but I'm more at peace. I'm not going super crazy about it. I'm just recording what I eat, trying to make better choices, and sticking with excersizing. I've always dieted alone so I'm very thankful that this site is here - hopefully I can do it this time with the help and motivation from all of you!

    ps - I was reading past posts and I wanted to add that I signed up for 4 weeks of Zumba at my local gym...I'm scared out of my MIND! EEK! I've never done a class before, hopefully I can keep up with everyone else, and who knows meet some people! :) I start tomorrow night before my shift. I'll keep you posted!
  • profjan6
    Megjo let us know how zumba goes. I might just try it at home so I don't knock anyone over during a class! It looks like fun! Kait, its great that you didn't eat the popcorn at the movies! Hope everyone else had a good weekend.
    It is a beautiful day here again, and I am definitely going to get out and walk! Have a good Monday!
  • kelseyleigh30
    Good morning everyone! It looks like I will be working out inside for most of the week. We have chances of rain until friday. But that is okay- a workout is a workout. Profjan- breath the beautiful air for me! Hope you have a great walk!

    Megjo- welcome! Let me know how Zumba class goes. I have some friends who take the class and love it. Hopefully you can meet some new people.

    Well, here is to Monday!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    WHOOOHOOO!!! I did it, I finally did something. My back hurt just a little bit, but not to the point that I could not walk or job. It felt really good to work hard and sweat. My quads were really sore when I was done. I even ate good all day. One AWESOME day in the books.

    Have a beautiful weekend everybody. Glad to be back in the game again. :bigsmile:

    YAY!!! Congrats! Glad you got a good workout in without much pain. :0)

    Thanx :bigsmile:
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hey Guys!

    So, Zumba - WOW. I was very overwhelmed, but it was awesome at the same time. The instructor was CRAZY - but in a good way. She is this little 5'0 ball of energy. I have NEVER seen anyone move like that. (by the way she had "special" zumba pants that had streamers on them so everytime she moved...they moved... awesome! :laugh: ) I think doing it at home would be fun, but I think I worked out a lot harder in the class. There were probably about 25-30 of us, all the lights were off except some white xmas lights, which made it very neat to dance to. (also great because I didn not need a better visual of me trying to shake it! :blushing: ) I was really amazed by all the different ages and weights. There were a couple peope who were probably in the 300lbs range. Then there were a couple of "me's" right around 230 and then there were some thin/fit people. We were all bumping into eachother and laughing - it was a good atmosphere. And boy o boy did it work it! I had to modify parts of it for sure, lots of bouncing around and shaking haha. I bet I'll be feeling it tomorrow.

    But I would have to say I'd reccommend it! Maybe in a few more weeks I get some of the moves down and can focus more on really getting a good work out instead of saying "what did she just do with her feet?!?!"

    Sidenote - I also have to say going to Zumba was what I needed today. I started this journey a few weeks ago and have not had a significant change on the scale. After 2 weeks I was down 3lbs. and today I was back up to my starting weight. :sad: I"m ready to loose this weight - hopefully my body will be ready soon too!

    Have a great week everyone! Shake it! haha
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Kaltgelt-Sounds like you did AWESOME over the weekend. Keep up the great work. Weekends are my weakness as well. :ohwell: Great job taking your own snack to the movies. :flowerforyou:

    Losingit-Great job going out and choosing a healthy meal. You are doing AWESOME!!!

    Profjan6-Just remember, even if you just do 10 mins of something a day that you normally don't do, it counts. Take a short walk, go up and down your stairs, walk around the house, anything to get your body moving. I hope that your enjoyed your walk this afternoon. :drinker:

    Cheilsea-Welcome to you. I also do my workouts at home with DVD's like P90X, Insanity, TurboFire and Brazil Butt Lift. They are great programs and I get to sweat at home and feel weird about it. LOL Are you a seasoned runner or a beginner? I am a beginner and love to hear from people who REALLY know what they are doing when it comes to running. I so want to get better and I am determined to run a half-marathon before the end of this year. Oh yes and by the way, thank your husband for all that he has done for us. :bigsmile:

    MegJo-Welcome, glad you are here with us. I think you will enjoy this site, everyone is very friendly. Don't be afraid to ask questions and put in your own feedback, that is what this site is here for. We are all here to help each other. I have actually taken 1 Zumba class and it was a lot of fun. You get to shake your hips A LOT!!! :laugh: Don't worry about what everyone else is doing in the class, just do your best and forget the rest. You can only do what you can do. Once you do it a few times you will be a pro. :drinker:

    Okay for my weekend. I did well in the exercise department, but not on the eating. I did really try, just not hard enough. GRRR!!! I decided to test out my back Friday and I took a wog (walk/jog) and it went well. It did not hurt at all. Saturday morning I decided to do some yoga and boy what that great. I tell you has been a while since I have done vinyasa's and my arms are yelling at me still tonite for it. LOL Sunday I took another wog, this time with my husband and just did about 30 mins. I could feel a little tightness on the left side, but it wasn't too bad, so I kept going. Then tonite I did upper body strength training with a brisk walk and BBL Tummy Tuck. It was a great workout and I am now very ready for bed. Tomorrow morning with be another wog. So far my back is doing very well, my left side is aching a little, but it is not too bad. I am trying to take it easy this week and get back into the swing of things. Hopefully by Saturday I will know if I can start my Half-Marathon training up on Monday. Wish me luck. :wink:

    Have a beautiful week everybody. KPP :bigsmile:
  • marejardon
    Hi, I would like to join. Like a lot of folks I have a fat gene ( that I re-named the stubborn lazy gene) and refuse to except that is going to run my live and I could change my future... and fate.
  • kelseyleigh30
    Good morning all! I had my second week weigh in today and lost another 4 lbs bringing me to a total of 10 lbs! It feels great!

    MegJo- glad to hear that you had a good time at Zumba. You will be sore in places you never thought! Keep up the good work and attitude!

    jjtonic- I must of missed something. Did you hurt yourself? Good job getting back into the swing of things. You definitely inspire me to exercise more!

    marejardon- welcome! you are in the right place to change your future!

    To everyone else- keep working hard and thank you for all of the support!

    BTW- Biggest Loser starts tonight!!!! So excited!
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Hello Everyone!
    I'm so glad we are all back plus some! Welcome new people, thanks for joining!
    This summer was good for me untill August which is always bad. I gained back the 8 pounds I lost and another 10 pounds so I am up to 210. Ouch I feel sick just looking at that. It is the heaviest I have ever been and I'm really looking forward to getting back down. My mom is doing this with me this time around, which makes it easier and harder at the same time. So we'll see how this works out.
    Anyways, looking forward to friday!
    I hope everyone's week is going well.
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I would like to join you all on the weight loss journey.

    A little bit about me,
    My name is Serena, I am a 30 year old single mother of a 5 year old boy. He is one of my biggest motivators. I want to be able to run and play with him and not feel so worn out. I started my weight loss journey... again... in July. I was at 173llbs which was the highest my weight has ever been ugh. I am now down to 155, but have hit a plateau and the weight is staying about the same. That can be a bit frustrating, and I know from experience that this is the time when I tend to give up. NOT THIS TIME!!! I manage a group home for troubled and emotionally disturbed children. I love my job, but can be fairly stressful at times. I also know that when things get real bad I tend to slack off on the weight loss journey. I also attend school full time, and will have my Psychology degree next year. YAY! I can say in the last few months, I have made several changes in my life, including wanting to drop the weight. I would like to continue to drop the pounds and sometimes that encouragement from others keeps me on track. Well... not much else to tell. I look foward to meeting all of you if you all would accept me. :tongue: