I am over weight!!!

Hi my name is Myla Vance, I am 20 years old and Happily married to Nathaniel Vance. I really need help!! I am like I said 20 years old and weigh 198 lbs. O.O. I know that is alot to understand, before I got married I weighed 142 lbs and I was thin with a small pooch on the stomach now its a full muffin top and thigh rubbing. Its annoying I want to look good feel good and be happy. But now I feel when my husband of 2 years tells me I am beautiful and perfect he is saying it to keep my depression from getting to low. Believe me guys and girls I am not happy at all already. I want to be sexy at my age and wear cute cloths and tight jeans. Without having to squeeze it in and cutting off circulation. I want to be beautiful and I need support. I went out a moth ago and bought the Abs Circle Pro, plus Jillian Michaels Jumpstatrt your weight loss program 14 day cleanse and burn pills. But I am having no luck not because I am lazy its just because I am a full time worker from 7 AM - 4 PM. When I come in I am exhausted and want to sit down, eat, take a shower and go to bed. Get the point. My husband says that once it gets warmer we will go walk 2 miles a day at the park but I cant wait that long I want to look good before then I want to lose 50 to 60 pounds before the first day of summer which is June 22, 2014 I want to lose that before the start of may or end of may. If I can get tones of support that would be nice. I cant go out and buy what is on these so called meal plans that they want you to go by. I buy my foods from the local IGA or Save-a-lot. Please lend a hand and I will support you as well. Add me and it would be alot better.


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You are trying to do it the wrong way. You need more realistic goals and more long term solutions. 60 lbs in a few months, it is almost impossible, at least without affecting your health. You did not gain the weight in a few months, you cannot lose it in a few months, look and feel good and keep the weight off. Aim for about 1 lb per week, forget pills (unless a dr monitors you) and try changes you can live with on the long run, or you will end up right back were you started.
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    OK, you're off to a good start. You've decided you want to change. Now you need a plan. The programs you bought will not do it FOR you, YOU must do the programs. Start by entering your information on this website. Then log what you eat for a few days. Don't even change what you normally eat - just log it honestly, and try to measure things with measuring cups and spoons. Then look back and see what you could start changing. Like less butter. Or leave off the mayo. Or no cheese. Or less snacks. Or more fruit and raw vegetables. Then start adding a little exercise. Park farther away at work. Walk around your block before you take your coat off when you come home. Do 5-10 minutes of a video. These changes will make you WANT to change more. Just don't change everything at once! Good luck!
  • AshleySDJ
    AshleySDJ Posts: 63 Member
    Good luck in your journey!! :)