Almost done with 30DS, What next?

So I will be doing day 2 of level 3 tonigh. I was thinking, once I'm done, to do it again, but 15 days level 2 and 15 days level 3 or maybe switch in between the both during the week. If not, then I would like to do another of Jillian's videos.

Any recommendations? What should I do next? I'm still like 18 lbs away from my goal. I've lost a few inches over all around my body, but the lbs aren't really coming off.


  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    I liked the Ripped in 30 better than 30DS but it is very similar. I am currently doing No More Trouble Zones and like it better than either. It has more strength/less cardio but I get some cardio elsewhere so I like that. You might also like to switch out and do Jackie Warner or Amy Dixon for a month. I really like to mix mine up and do something different for a workout video every month.
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Thanks, I will look in to those other women you mentioned.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    You could try out one of the 3,677,342 30 day challenges that pop up each and every day on this forum. Those look like fun. :grumble:
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    You could try out one of the 3,677,342 30 day challenges that pop up each and every day on this forum. Those look like fun. :grumble:

    Maybe I should of made my self more clear. Because I didn't ask for 30 day challenges. I wanted to know about good workouts that would be good to do following the 30 day shred. Hoping I would maybe get replies from other people who have done the 30DS. But thanks for your useless comment.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    No problem.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Cngratulations on almost being finished with the Shred! I commend you. I've started it twice and could niot get past day 15 (or was it 16?) So needless to say I never made it to phase 3. I did do Ripped in 30 3 x's, though. Jillian switches things up a lot more frequently in this program. I think you'll like that. I'm currently doing Body Revolution and I love it! I'm on week 3 and it goes by very quickly.
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Cngratulations on almost being finished with the Shred! I commend you. I've started it twice and could niot get past day 15 (or was it 16?) So needless to say I never made it to phase 3. I did do Ripped in 30 3 x's, though. Jillian switches things up a lot more frequently in this program. I think you'll like that. I'm currently doing Body Revolution and I love it! I'm on week 3 and it goes by very quickly.

    Thank you! There's been times when I wanted to give up, but I didn't and I'm glad!! I've heard a lot of Ripped in 30, maybe I'll give it a try or body revolution. I feel like I need to incorporate more cardio. I go hiking on saturday mornings for about 2 hrs, but I don't think that's enough. And congrats on doing RI30 3x!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    30 day shred is cardio. If you want to change up your workouts, look into a weight program. If you enjoy working out at home, consider body weight exercises.
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    30 day shred is cardio. If you want to change up your workouts, look into a weight program. If you enjoy working out at home, consider body weight exercises.

    Yes part of it is cardio, along with a little strength and abs. I was considering more cardio to shed some lbs, I do see my body "shredding" inches so that's good, but I feel like I need to loose lbs then really start focusing on building muscle.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    30 day shred is cardio. If you want to change up your workouts, look into a weight program. If you enjoy working out at home, consider body weight exercises.

    Yes part of it is cardio, along with a little strength and abs. I was considering more cardio to shed some lbs, I do see my body "shredding" inches so that's good, but I feel like I need to loose lbs then really start focusing on building muscle.

  • Resolve2B
    Resolve2B Posts: 86 Member
    I did not do Shred but started Ripped in 30. From what I understand the 2 programs are fairly similar. If you ARE looking for cardio I would say that Ripped in 30 is a good "next video" for you. The format for each circuit is: 3 minutes of strength (which is "circuit" based so gets your heart rate up), 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs. Then she repeats that circuit. She follows that with a new circuit that is set up the same way but with different movements (3 minutes of strength, 2 min. cardio, 1 min abs). That circuit is repeated and then she moves on to a new circuit, etc. If I remember correctly, there were 3 circuits per level. There are 4 "Levels" (she suggests 1 level per week) and, all formatted the same way but with different moves/exercises so there is a LOT of variety across the whole DVD.

    I personally did NOT like the cardio minutes so I just bought No More Trouble Zones because I wanted to focus more on toning/strength during my DVD workouts.

    Good luck in your search!
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    If you liked Jillian Michaels & want to do a longer program, her Body Revolution is great. It is a 90 day program. You do the same set of workouts for 2 weeks then move onto the next set. Each set gets progressively harder. The cardio workouts are for 4 week and get a little boring, so I mix those up with other cardio. Also it is expensive - $100. You can find it on Craigslist & Ebay also.
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Thanks for the previous posts!! I will look in to those.
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    30 day shred is cardio. If you want to change up your workouts, look into a weight program. If you enjoy working out at home, consider body weight exercises.

    Yes part of it is cardio, along with a little strength and abs. I was considering more cardio to shed some lbs, I do see my body "shredding" inches so that's good, but I feel like I need to loose lbs then really start focusing on building muscle.


    To be honest, not really sure. I've just heard it's better that way. Plus I'm only 4'11 and I'm 138 now (overweight) so I'd really like to get to at least 120 (1st goal). Then focus more on toning.
  • chickenpie
    chickenpie Posts: 64 Member
    good thread! I'm on day 4 of level 3.. and weirdly addicted...

    i've lost inches but not so many lbs but feel great. I'd like to do body revolution but the cost is putting me off. am considering Ripped in 30 next or Burn Fat Boost Metabolism

  • After completing 30 DS (and doing an extra 30 days at level 3)..I moved to Ripped in 30.

    Ill be honest..I moved right into level 2..level one was remidal to me. I loved level me, very Ab focused, even the strength circuits.

    I did 2 days of level 3..hated it and moved to level 4 for 2 weeks plus another 2 weeks after that. Then back to level 2(I felt like I got a better work there) and am now on Extreme Shed n Shred.

    Probably not ideal for all..but Ive got to enjoy my workouts and feel like I worked something..if I dont..I dont feel like doing it!
  • CKendell79
    CKendell79 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi. I started with the body revolution and I liked it. Wasn't a big fan of the cardio day, so that's when I started incorporating couch to 5k and started to like running than bouncing all over the place, lol! Next I started 30ds and did phase one mon-fri for two weeks, ditto for phase two and did phase 3 for 3 weeks because like you I didn't know where to start next. I am on the ripped in 30, like mentioned exact same 3-2-1 circuit set up but I like it more. The warm up is better and she is taking more time on form it seems. ( only on phase one).I think I will do the same biweekly format and do this for 8 weeks as I seem to get a better workout doing it a little longer to help correct form and push myself harder. Good luck. Ps the seven dollar DVDs vs the 120$ package when it's so similar with the exercise I would do the 7$ ones. She repeats often. I don't regret the 90BR as it got me going, it's just if knew then... Lol
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,872 Member
    I have 30 DS,Yoga meltdown, killer buns and thighs, and shred it with weights, love them all, shred it with weights is probably my favorite
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Hmm.. Never heard of extreme shred and shed, that one sounds cool too!
    So far, I'm leaning towards ripped in 30, Thanks ladies! I will be done with 30 DS by early next week, but I think I will do level 3 til end of march!

    @chickenpie, I get you. Level 3 is my favorite I think. And yes a bit addicting (which is good!)
  • I like Hard Body by Jillian Michaels. The DJ is pretty cheesy but the workout is very challenging.
  • e_elizb
    e_elizb Posts: 62 Member
    If you have more than 20 minutes you could try her burn fat boost metabolism workout. It is killer, but about 45 minutes long. It helps endurance, has strength, and cardio.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Ripped in 30 was so easy by the time I finished 30DS. The only bonus was that it wasn't the exact same thing as 30DS so it wasn't boring. The moves were pretty boring and I didn't work up a good sweat like 30DS

    I would recommend looking into something different like P90X, Insanity, workout classes at your gym if you go to one and add more heavy lifting. Heavy lifting programs that are amazing are New Rules of Weight Lifting For Women, Stronglifts 5x5. Try Couch25K (or Rundouble app) for running. There are groups on MFP for the three programs I just mentioned.
  • XxQueenMxX
    XxQueenMxX Posts: 683 Member
    Ripped in 30 was so easy by the time I finished 30DS. The only bonus was that it wasn't the exact same thing as 30DS so it wasn't boring. The moves were pretty boring and I didn't work up a good sweat like 30DS

    I would recommend looking into something different like P90X, Insanity, workout classes at your gym if you go to one and add more heavy lifting. Heavy lifting programs that are amazing are New Rules of Weight Lifting For Women, Stronglifts 5x5. Try Couch25K (or Rundouble app) for running. There are groups on MFP for the three programs I just mentioned.

    I've wanted to try insanity, but i'm scared!! I'm afraid I will start and give up, it seems so hard! I will look in to those groups you mentioned, thanks!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I followed 30DS with RI30. It seemed the natural progression. But, since I was in two back-to-back 30day groups and had started a week late, I did the last week of 30DS doubled-up with the first week of RI30. In case you are worried that RI30 first week would be too easy, as one person mentioned, this was a really good workout (done either back-to-back in the morning, or else I'd do one in the morning and one at night). After a week of doubling-up like that, I was very relieved to move back to just <30min/day again, but I thought the other levels of RI30 were still challenging. After RI30, I did lots of Fitness Blender free online workouts (they're GREAT). After 2 months of commitment and habit-forming, I felt like I was finally ready to leave Jillian behind and try new things. But no question about it, JM puts together a good workout that gets results in a shockingly little amount of time. Good luck!
  • Pintado
    Pintado Posts: 33 Member
    After completing 30 DS (and doing an extra 30 days at level 3)..I moved to Ripped in 30.

    Ill be honest..I moved right into level 2..level one was remidal to me. I loved level me, very Ab focused, even the strength circuits.

    I did 2 days of level 3..hated it and moved to level 4 for 2 weeks plus another 2 weeks after that. Then back to level 2(I felt like I got a better work there) and am now on Extreme Shed n Shred.

    Funny, I did the same thing re: skipping level 1 of Ripped in 30 because it was too easy after 30DS - and now I really hate level 2. Probably because it's hard, especially those goddamn push-ups with the swinging legs...
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    lol! Those push-ups with the swinging leg are so hard! Ripped in 30 is a great workout. I am looking forward to getting Shred It w/ weights. That looks like a good one too.

    The 30DS is one of my favorite workouts. I finished it last week and started again on Level 1 this week really focusing on doing all the advanced moves and on my form. I am really enjoying seeing how much more "easier" it seems than when I started doing it in early January. I also am using weights that are a little bit heavier for more resistance.

    I am really enjoying doing it again. Its familiar and I know exactly what move is coming up next so the transition from circuit to circuit is really smooth.

    Great job to all who finished the 30DS!! :drinker:
  • After completing 30 DS (and doing an extra 30 days at level 3)..I moved to Ripped in 30.

    Ill be honest..I moved right into level 2..level one was remidal to me. I loved level me, very Ab focused, even the strength circuits.

    I did 2 days of level 3..hated it and moved to level 4 for 2 weeks plus another 2 weeks after that. Then back to level 2(I felt like I got a better work there) and am now on Extreme Shed n Shred.

    Funny, I did the same thing re: skipping level 1 of Ripped in 30 because it was too easy after 30DS - and now I really hate level 2. Probably because it's hard, especially those goddamn push-ups with the swinging legs...

    a-friggin men! LOL I curse under my breath during those 2 minutes..;)

    OP-extreme shed is longer..its 45 minutes..and if you do both level 1 and 2 its pushing 80 minutes. level 2 is, IMO, much more STRENGTH based with lots of isometric and plyometric stuff
  • RachLK7
    RachLK7 Posts: 27 Member
    Hey, im pretty new to all this.... i've had 30DS for over a year now & never bothered with it.... until now. did Level 2 yest & Level 3 today, pretty good calorie burns & heart rate

    Would anyone say its ok to alternate between Level 2 & 3 so i dont get bored of the same workout everyday? LOL :) x